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(not edited)

I sauntered back to the dormitory, books in hand. The campus was quite large, and I enjoyed the beautiful scenery. There were potted plants on every corner, brightening up the sidewalks and putting me in an overall good mood.

As I rounded the corner to my building, I sped up my step. I was just waiting to see who my new roommate was.

Maybe she won't like you.

A voice in the back of my head said.

Maybe she will be horribly rude and ask you to keep to yourself. Maybe she will steal from you, or play tricks on you at night...

My gosh, Bonnie. You are over thinking this way too much. She will be just fine. Everything will be just fine.

I hopped up the stairs. Floor two. My steps rang out through the cement hallways. Floor three. I dropped a book, picked it up, and continued to the top of the stairs. Floor five. Was I not paying attention? I think I just skipped a floor... Floor six.

My floor.

I opened the door that lead to the main hallway, and stepped forward, the door letting out a shudder as it shut tightly behind me. The carpet had a beautiful design that criss-crossed over itself and the whole hall way very nicely designed. I looked at the card I had gotten earlier to double check the room number.

As I approached the door, my stomach knotted up in sudden nervousness. I ignored it and twisted the key in the door, slowly pushing it open. I poked my head around the corner and saw a small girl sitting cross legged on the bed opposite of mine with a pair of headphones.

All nervousness rushed out of me and I confidently strode in, making it obvious I had arrived. The girl looked up from her Ipod, and smiled at me before removing her headphones. She was wearing a tank top and skinny jeans, along with a pair of high-tops that were brightly colored.

"Hey, I'm Lina. Short for Angelina, but please dont ever call me Angelina. Lina's fine." She said in a strong American accent. She walked over and held out her hand, waiting for me to shake it. I obliged kindly and gave her a strong shake.

"Hello Lina, I'm Bonnie. It's very nice to meet you." I said politely.

"Whoa! You have an accent! Where are you from?!" She exploded.

I cringed, suprised by her sudden outburst. Tucking my hair behind my ear, I replied calmly;

"Oh, um I'm Irish... I moved here a few years ago from Mullingar."

Her smile grew even bigger (if that was possible) and she let out a small chuckle.

"That's so cool. I'm from Michigan. Nothing special like you. Just the stereo typical American kid. And I see you've already started unpacking." She said, motioning to my pile of empty boxes in the corner.

"Yeah-" I started, but she cut me off before I could say anything else.

"I havn't even started unpacking yet, I just got here ten minutes before you showed up. Oh, and I have been going here the whole semester but my previous roommate just transfered schools. So it kind of worked out really good for me that you showed up when you did."

I smiled and set my books on the bed. She went back to listening to music and doing homework while I tried to pick out something to wear later. I rummaged through the pile of clothes on my bed, lifting things to the mirror that was propped up against the wall.

"That looks cute." Lina said as I held up a pair of jean shorts and lace top. I turned to her.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, but I think it would look better with this." She got up and started looking through boxes until she pulled out a brown belt. It looked super expensive but really cute.

"Go try all of it on with these, too." She handed me a pair of flats and shoved me out the door. Literally. She pushed me out and closed it behind me before I even had a chance to react.

Way to make a first impression...

I maneuvered my way through the halls to the nearest bathroom, and closed the door behind me.

The outfit looked fantastic on me, and I decided to show Lina what it looked like.

I turned off the light and was just about to open the door when a shrill scream echoed down the hallway. I froze, my fingers still on the handle.  

Listening intently, my ears strained to hear what was happening on the other side of the door. 

There was a thump, and I crouched low down, balancing on my toes.  

Another sceam, louder this time.

"Where is she!?" A loud, man's voice boomed. I flinched and closed my eyes.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" The voice came again.  

There was a pause before a soft whimper came from the other side of the door. I leaned back, unaware that anyone was so close to me.

"She, she isn't here-" 


The door shook upon impact from the other side. The second voice cried out in pain as they slid down the smooth paint. I double checked that the door was locked and took out my phone, quickly dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

My hands started to shake as the screams grew louder outside.

"Um, er something is going on in my dorm building.... I don't know what's happening but there are people screaming and yelling and-" 

Someone started pounding on the door.

"Miss? Miss, are you alright? Do you need an ambulance? An officer is on his way to your location right now."

"No, no someone is pounding on the door. What do I do?!"

"Miss please calm down I sent an officer. Please do not hang up until the officer arrives. Could I please get your name and age?"

The pounding stopped for a second and I sat there in an eerie silence, completely ignoring her question.

"Miss are you there?"

"Yeah.... I'm here." I whispered into the reciever.

I heard the faint sound of sirens in the distance.

"Has the officer arrived yet?"

"Yeah, I think so..."

"Could I get your name and age, miss?"

I thought about lying, just in case someone snitched on me, but decided against it.

"I will tell you, but you have to promise me you will keep it confidential."

"Of course ma'am."

"This can't get in the media, alright? For more than one reason." I stuttered a little, still whispering softly.


"My name is Bonnie Castra. I am eighteen years old."

Then I hung up, and opened the door.  


A•N• Hello! I know I havn't updated in a long time, but it's summer now, so I will be writing more. (; Anyway I want this story to have the most reads out of all my stories, so if you could tell your friends about it and vote that would be fantastic.

Also, the story will get more interesting as it goes on. Stay beautiful ♥


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