Chapter 13

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----Two Weeks Later----

Emma's P.O.V.

Everything has been smooth sailing over these past two weeks. Everyone has gotten closer. Niall and I have been going on so many dates, having little movie nights, and cuddling constantly. And it's like Journea and Lou are joined at the hip. They're inserparable. They share the same bed, cook food together, get coffee before school together,they're just are perfect.

Though I doubted it was possible, the boys seem to have gotten closer. Harry and I are so close now, we actually call each other brother and sister. We even have weird/cute pet names for each other.

I laid in bed, watching my Irishman sleep peacefully. I loved the way his lips parted slightly, his blonde and brown hair in a mess from tossing and turning, the way the morning light made his skin glow. He looked carefree as always. And I envied him for that.

I looked at my clock. It was already 10 in the morning. I played with his hair in attempt to wake him up but failed. An idea popped in my head. I brought my lips to his and kissed him slightly. I felt him smile into the kiss and kiss me back. I pulled away and got out of bed.

"Morning babe." I spoke pulling my hair up it a high pony tail. He groaned and turned over, trying to fall back asleep. "No! No more sleeping. The parents are coming today and you need to be up and showered." I said pulling the covers off of him, exposing his boxers and his bare, sexy, amazing, toned chest.

"Nooooooooooooo! Just a little longer? Please?" He begged.

"I'll cook breakfast for you if you get a shower." I said pulling on some gray and pink Hollister sweat pants over my pink lace underwear not bothering to put a shirt over my neon pink sports bra. "Ok! I'm up!" He yelled hopping out of my bed and heading to the bathroom. I laughed at his childish behavior.

I walked down stairs and made it to the last step before I was confronted by my brother. "Emma you are not walking into that kitchen with no shirt on. A sports bra is not acceptable." He spoke sternly blocking my way to the door. "Says the man in only boxers." I retorted back pointing to his plaid green and black boxers. "I promised my man breakfast and he is getting breakfast wether you like it or not. So move out of my way curly." I stated.

"Fine, but you have to make me some." He demanded. I pulled out the mix for pancakes and waffles and got to work. After making about 30 pancakes and waffles, I got the syrup and powdered sugar out and the strawberries out. I cut the strawberries and put them in a dish in the middle of the table. As if right on cue, Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Liam walked down stairs. Liam and the boys started to sit down, waiting anxiously for the food to come.

"FOOOD!!. Good job babe." Niall said, giving me a kiss before sitting down. I heard my phone ring from the kitchen. I walked in and picked up my phone smiling at the number remembering who it is . It was my brother Erick.

E- Hey Erick.

B- Hey Emms!

E- What's up?

B- Nothing. About to get off of the plane and get our luggage. Same as Journea's parents.

E- Ok! I will get the boys to send Paul out to come pick you guys up. I have to get a shower. Bye bro.

B- Bye little tard, and thanks.

E- Anytime.

I hung up on my brother and walked out to the dinning room to where everyone was eating. "Boys, I am going to need you to send Paul out to get mine and Jay's parents. Oh and my brother too." I stated. Liam nodded and pulled out his phone. "Babe, why don't you go get a shower and get ready. You have flower all over you. I will save some food for you." Niall said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I shook my head looking down at my exposed stomach cover in flower. "Ok. Thanks babe." Giving him a short kiss on the lips.

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