Chapter 5

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Emma's P.O.V.

I was happy when I saw Louis kiss Journea on her cheek and sit with her. I looked back at Harry and smiled as he put his arm around me. His eyes looked just like mine but I just passed that detail and the fact that he looked a little like my mom. But there are a ton of people that I know that look just the same as me that aren't blood related. I focused on what Harry was saying. He told me about Eleanor's and Louis's nasty breakup. I reminded myself to tell Journea to go easy on Louis. Harry stood up, took my hand and brought me over to the boys. He introduced me to all of them like I didn't know who they were. My eyes couldn't help but to fall on Niall who was shoving chicken in his mouth. I felt myself smile a little.

Journea's P.O.V

Louis sat across from me as we talked together. "Well, how about we start off by you telling me your name sweetheart?" He smiled and licked his lips, waiting for me to answer. "I'm Journea." "What a beautiful name to match that gorgeous face." God, can this boy stop making me blush? "You're blushing again love. By the way, I'm Louis." "You're Louis Tomlinson. Also known as the sass master from Doncaster." He smirked at me. "You're a directioner?" "One of many." It was amazing just sitting here talking to him. I was just amazed about how calm I was around him. I felt like myself around him just like I am around Emma.

Emma's P.O.V

Ok so either I'm dreaming or I'm just in shock. All I could think about is that THE Harry Styles and the rest of One Direction are talking to me. Another smile pulled at the corner of my lips. I've had little crushes on Harry and Niall since the X-Factor days. "I haven't seen Louis this happy since him and Eleanor broke up." Zayn spoke, his perfect voice like velvet. "So love, I can tell you and your friend are American, what brings you to Cheshire then?" asked Liam. "We moved here today, and we're staying in a hotel. We plan to go to college here and we're currently searching for a flat." They all exchanged looks for a minute. Harry took my hand inside his and held it gently. "We wouldn't mind if you stayed with us until you found a place. Is that alright with you love?" I caught Journea's eye and motioned for her to come over.

Journea's P.O.V

I got up, Louis following behind me, his arm around my waist. I smiled to myself as we walked to Emma and Harry. I had to admit they did look a lot alike up close. "Will you boys excuse us for a moment while we have a quick chat?" They all gave nods. "Ok, we didn't really plan for this and I don't want you to freak out but Harry wants us to move in with him and the boys until we find a place." She tried to keep her excitement down. "As long as it's not any trouble." I smiled. Louis, who we didn't know was listening to our conversation, quickly bursted with excitement. 'It's no trouble at all!" He took Journea's hand and led her back to their table. I heard Emma tell the boys, "I guess you could tell that she said yes. It's settled." "Yea we could tell." Zayn smiled at me. "Louis has never been so excited about a girl before. Your friend is in for the ride of her life." "Literally." Harry added, making us all laugh. "Well we will have to go by the hotel and check out when we leave and get our luggage."


Journea's P.O.V

We got to the boys flat and chit-chatted with each other for about 30 minutes. We really got to know each other though. Niall yelled out, "SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS!!!" Immediately Zayn and Louis screamed, "Journea is in my room!" Louis gave Zayn a death stare, silently claiming me. I couldn't help but blush a little. Liam tried calmed everyone down, as Harry and Niall called Emma's name. Zayn spoke first. "Hahah looks like Harry might have some competition." "Louis, I'm fine sleeping on the couch." I smiled at Louis "Absolutely not! You can sleep in my room, and I'll sleep on the floor." He retorted. I sighed and tried to exercise my point again. "Louis, you're not sleeping on the floor just be-" "Bup, bup, bup! End of discussion." "But Louis-" "No more. go put your clothes in my empty dresser." I gave up and grabbed my bags. *******************************************************************************

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