An interrupt is where Person A reacts before the end of Person B's prior turn. As an example, Person B might draw his sword, curse, and then runs thirty feet before stopping, jumping and swinging his sword at Person A's neck. In response, Person A would post drawing his sword as Person B is running, therefore rendering the neck strike (in that form) having never happened. Interrupts are often regarded as the backbone of melee.
A hypothetical is where Person A posts that, should person A dodge to the West, he would bring his sword across; a hypothetical is a follow-up, a move that will happen if one or more conditions are met. Hypotheticals imply forethought, so they can be considered moves planned in-character, and therefore do not require the same conscious considering that might otherwise be demanded. Hypotheticals might also account for where a given attack would land if such-and-such defense was performed, like a thrust to the gut meeting the neck if the opponent ducks.
All Interrupts and Hypotheticals are to be logically followed and created.
T1 Full Rule Set
RandomEverything you need to know about T1 Roleplaying. (Credit goes to Rj Gentry's "T1 Rules and Guidelines for the Modern Day Role Player" on Scribd), parts are taken from "Role Play 101" as well.