Interrupts & Hypotheticals

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An interrupt is where Person A reacts before the end of Person B's prior turn. As an example, Person B might draw his sword, curse, and then runs thirty feet before stopping, jumping and swinging his sword at Person A's neck. In response, Person A would post drawing his sword as Person B is running, therefore rendering the neck strike (in that form) having never happened. Interrupts are often regarded as the backbone of melee.

A hypothetical is where Person A posts that, should person A dodge to the West, he would bring his sword across; a hypothetical is a follow-up, a move that will happen if one or more conditions are met. Hypotheticals imply forethought, so they can be considered moves planned in-character, and therefore do not require the same conscious considering that might otherwise be demanded. Hypotheticals might also account for where a given attack would land if such-and-such defense was performed, like a thrust to the gut meeting the neck if the opponent ducks.

All Interrupts and Hypotheticals are to be logically followed and created. 

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