The Problem of being a YouTuber

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"Philllllllll?" I call out.

"What?" He asks coming into my bedroom.

"Do you think it would be possible for me to make friends with some of my subscribers?"

He lets out a loud sigh.

"You know how some of them are."

"Yeah but what if I just sent a message. A dm to someone. Just saying hi."

"You could try."

"I was your number one fan"

"Yeah and Dan that was 2009. When fangirling wasn't exactly a big thing."

"I'm just going to try it." I say finding a random fan account for us.

I open up the dm box and type 'hi' into it and click send. I shut my laptop.

"It's 12am I'm tied." I sigh.

"Ok well goodnight bear." He says kissing my check.

"Night love."

He walks out. I pull the covers up over my chest and move to my side. I ponder for a little about the message I sent till I drift off to sleep.

The blackness disappears. I groan and roll over. Why do I wake up when I'm still tied? Then I remember.. The message. I sit up a pick my laptop off the floor. I type in my password and open up Twitter. I check my dms to see if she has replied. Sure enough she has.
Well ok. I go onto my timeline to find that she tweeted about it. Oh god. I unfollow the girl... Hopefully she won't notice. After a while longer on the internet I see that one of the trending tags is #dmmedan. Really? Ugh. I also find 2 news articles about it. Jesus Christ.

"Did you see what happened?" Phil asks coming in a sitting next to me.

"Yes. Why does this always happen?"

"I'm sorry Bear." He says hugging me.

"I just wish I could go outside with out being noticed and make friends without them knowing that I'm famous."

He rubs my back.

"Great now I'm calling myself famous." I moan.

"Well you kinda are. 4 million. Almost 5. That's a lot."

"Sometimes I think I should just delete my accounts."

"So you are saying you can survive without the internet?"

"Yes." I say with full confidence.

"Dan you can't."

I sigh and lean backwards burring myself in the covers. I pull him down with me.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

A/n: hello! So just a note their relationship will not play a big part but they are together.

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