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When Louis can finally sit up for longer than a few minutes, he talks Johanna into letting him see Harry. She tells him that if he does, he'll have to wait until night time when none of the doctors are there to yell at her.

Liam and Niall had stayed at the hospital until Sunday then left so Niall can go back to school. The blonde boy hasn't spoken to Louis since his outburst and Louis has been thinking about him a lot, if he had to be honest and trying to digest all of the things he said.

It took a lot of convincing from Louis but eventually, he got Zayn to check into a motel so he can sleep for the night and return whenever visiting hours start up again. He smiles because Zayn is never a second late at nine the next morning and always brings Louis McDonald's.

It's been almost a week since Louis and Harry have ended up here and as Louis is being rolled to Harry's room, he can't help but think of his father who must've had such a rough time this week.

"Tomorrow's my Papa's birthday, you know?" Louis tells Johanna. "He's turning forty-nine." He looks up at the woman and sees her smiling at her. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Course, sweetie," she nods and Louis can't help but grin at the way her blue eyes sparkle and think of how Harry always says his own eyes do that whenever he's genuinely happy.

"I have fourty pounds in the bag my papa brought. He doesn't know it's in there but could you possibly go out and buy him a cake? I was looking up places here and I found this place that makes cool cakes and I placed an order for one when he left the other day. It's a Marvel kinda themed cake since he's been obsessed with it for as long as I can remember." Louis chuckles when he realizes he's rambling but at the same time, he's proud because he's used to the pain now and it's easier for him to talk. "I just need you to pick it up and bring it in the morning."

"Just give me the address before I leave and I'll take care of it," Johanna smiles.

Louis thanks her and goes back to looking ahead.

He notices that Harry is on the other side of the ICU and he wonders how fast Papa runs just to go to and from the two rooms.

He feels his hands shake when she finally stops in front of a door. This entire week, Louis' been able to occupy his mind with comic books, video games and movies. Not for one second has he thought about how Harry was doing and hasn't asked because he knows he'd do nothing but dwell on the thought. But now, he was about to face it head on.

Head. Head.

Harry hit his head.

Harry hit his head and he's in a coma now.

And it's Louis' fault.

Louis bites his lip and let's Johanna open the door.

He's silent as she rolls him over to the side of the bed but he does thank her when she tells him she'll be back in an hour to take him back to his room before she goes home and as soon as the door shuts, Louis finds himself trying to stand up.

He's careful, stopping to let himself breathe and to adjust to the pain.

Louis throws his good leg over, then uses his good arm to pull up his bad leg, then slowly works himself down until he's laying next to Harry. He's careful not to hit anywhere that's been hurt but still does his best to cuddle into his side.

He swallows hard. "I know I always said that...I'd never let anything hurt you..." He looks at his little brother, all banged up and bruised. He feels shaky, his heart visibly breaking. "A-And I know I always said I'd protect you...But how am I supposed to protect you if I'm the one who hurt you?"

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