Thirty Four

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Zayn wants Louis to trust him. Really, he does. He wants Louis to be able to come to him and just say what he feels but he's so worried sometimes. So, when Louis walks in on Sunday evening with Harry in tow, he tries his best to act like he's not hurt when Louis tells him about what a great weekend he had with his family.

He tries his best with Louis for the next week.

Louis is never at home, it seems. He goes out for his therapy on Monday and Thursday but every day inbetween now and then, he's always going out. He does his best to finish his schoolwork as fast as he can every morning and then he goes to God knows where during the afternoons and evenings. He's also taken to dropping Niall off at his practices (even though he tells Zayn he stays, he never does according to Niall).

And it's hard because Louis seems to be spending a lot of time with this boy, if thats who he's going to go and see. But Louis just tells him it's a friend he's going to go and see. And Zayn has to trust him.

But it's hard to trust Louis. Especially when he starts stumbling inside at three in the morning again and when he starts to wear scarves around his neck and Zayn wants to ask but he doesn't want his son angry with him for invading his privacy.

"He'll come around," Liam tells him. They're both sitting on the couch. It's almost midnight and Zayn wants to make sure Louis comes home tonight safely. Liam decided to pop in a movie and sit and watch with him after he got done putting Niall to bed, since he had school tomorrow.

Zayn just sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "What if he doesn't Liam? What if he never comes around? What if he just wants this to be some giant secret that he never wants us to find out about?" he frowns.

Liam scoots closer and pulls Zayn into his embrace. They've been doing this a lot lately, hugging each other and cuddling. At first, Liam was hesitant but after Zayn initiated it first, Liam's become more and more brave. This week, he's only spent two nights out of the four so far going to sleep alone.

"He will," Liam smooths his hair back. Zayn only sighs and rests his head on his chest.

He wants to say something but the door opens and Zayn sits up to see Louis coming in. Louis sighs and closes the door behind him then turns around. At the sight of his fathers, he jumps and puts his hand over his pounding heart.

"What are you two still doing up?" Louis asks breathlessly.

"Could ask you the same thing," Zayn raises his eyebrow. Louis shrugs his shoulders and takes off his shoes. "Where were you?"

"Nowhere," Louis replies.

"Okay," is all Zayn can manage out, heart broken a bit.

"I'll be heading up now," Louis says. "Goodnight," he waves before disappearing up the steps.


The next morning, Liam is driving Niall to school with Harry in the back seat (they're going grocery shopping). 

"Niall, I won't be able to pick you up so I'm going to send Louis for you. Alright?" Liam reminds.

He rolls his crystals blue eyes and nods. "I know, Dad. You tell me this every time. Really, I'm not that forgetful." Niall steps out the car and shuts it. Harry and Liam exchange glances and smirk when the door swings back open. "Don't say anything," he warns as he takes his book bag out and swings it onto his shoulders.

"Have a nice day, Nialler. I love you," Liam says and waves the boy goodbye.

Harry and Liam head off then to the grocery store and pick up the things they need. It's not eventful. The most exciting thing that happened was the 2-for-1 special on Nutella. Once they get home, Zayn is on the couch, dressed and ready and watching some TV show with Louis.

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