Speak of the devil

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Authors note// I was really feeling this song while writing lol. Another AN at the end be sure to read.

You know that sort of sixth sense everyone has when they feel like they are being watched? I was currently feeling that 'sort of sixth sense'.


I had just gotten out of the shower and I was looking for my autism awareness oversized shirt and my shorts; my pajamas.  During the day I like keeping my curtains drawn back so that the natural light can light up my room instead of the orange tinted lightbulbs attached to my celling fan which was now currently swaying softly side to side. But at night I close them because I feel like someone is going to try and watch me while I sleep, which is highly improbable I know but I just can't seem to shake the feeling off.

Today has been a rough day to say the least. My job was hiring new employees and I was the unlucky one out of the bunch who had to train them for the next week and a half. My boss told me that I'm very mature for my age unlike my other friends that work with me and that's why I was chosen. When I got home later on that evening I said hi to my mom and dad, grabbed a snack and headed straight for the shower, which was highly unusual of me but I think my mom knew I was under a lot of stress and decided not to interrogate me.

I was still looking for my pajamas when I noticed that the curtains were still drawn back so I decided to stop looking for a minute to go close them. I couldn't help but look out of my window to see if dreamy josh was in his room. Now I am no creep but if you were in my position and you lived next to the single most hottest guy in the U.S. you would do the same thing. Dreamy Josh was attractive yes but that's about it. He was the type of guy who used girls like toys and then the next day would leave them like it meant nothing. And to him it really did mean nothing.

As I was closing my curtains I couldn't help but think about our childhood friendship that had abruptly ended as soon as high school started. As the saying goes, high school changes a person. In the 9th grade he started hanging out with the 'bad' crowd and I wound up in the 'popular' crowd. I don't really know how I ended up being apart of the group...it just sort of happened.

I wasn't a jock or a cheerleader, I mean I could be funny when I wanted to but I wasn't known for that, you know what u mean? I wasn't insanely gorgeous either, I was average. I had green eyes and dark brown hair, my hair is long; down to my waist. I was a mix between Mexican and Puerto Rican, in other words I was tan. I stood at 5'3" and I was a little over the average weight. If you saw me walking on the streets you really wouldn't give me a second glance.

Right now it was August and school was about to start up again and I was headed into the 12th grade. I had been invited to a lot of things this summer but turned most of them down because either,
A) I wanted to watch Netflix
B)I didn't want to go
C) work
...I wasn't really worried about my social life because honestly, I didn't really care. Just like I don't care about getting a boyfriend.

My friends all thought I was crazy because I didn't care about having a guy in my life. For a period of time they thought I was lesbian, which wasn't true of of course. Every chance that they got they would try hooking me up with someone. It got old after about a year and so I just stopped listening to them when ever they brought it up.

Ruby is my best friend and we have been best friends since we were about 6. She comes to my house about every day but lately she has been really off and I don't really know why. I ask her about it a lot but she just changes the subject when i bring it up. For the past couple of days she hasn't been answering my calls or texts and trust me when i tell you this, if I call you you better answer because I don't call anyone ever. I don't know what it is but texting is just so much more appealing to me.

I'm hot, you're cold
You go around like you know
Who I am, but you don't
You got me on my toes....

The sound of my ringtone distracts me from my thoughts. I go and grab my phone off of the charger to see who it is and....

Speak of the devil...

Thank you for reading this, I know that I am a crap writer but I'm trying to improve. Side note: I am not in any way against lesbians, gays, trans and so on, so please don't say any crap about it, it's just a part of the story.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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