Part Fifteen

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Hailey's P.O.V

Storming out after lectures like a hot-head? Please. I practically invented that. Tsunemori doesn't realize what's fully at stake in this case, and I've always been more of the less-talk-more-action person, so I'm doing something about this before dawn.

I've always worked better alone anyway.

Heading back to my room, I slammed the door, leaning back against it. As if I was going to let her stop me. I wasn't and never will be a puppet. Neither do I need more tension around here. Though that was apparently always it.


The sun had set. The city was most likely lit up like a little speck of light on the surface of the Earth to the stars above. It was dark in my room, the only light coming from outside. I had a beer in hand, swirling it around. I had an arm propped up against the window as I watched the bustle outside down below. Straightening myself up, I took another swig of beer and looked over at my bed. An all-black outfit was laid out on the covers and I walked over to it, stripping as I did. I then grabbed a snug v-neck t-shirt and put it on. Slipping into black cargo pants and sliding a belt through the loops in the waist, I squinted at my laptop from across the room showing the data on the case. I put on a black zip-up hoodie over my t-shirt and a black leather jacket over that. I grabbed my socks and combat boots and walked over to the little island. I slipped on my socks and boots as I skimmed through for the location: an old abandoned abolitionist block way out on the outskirts of this district... Then I'll make my way there past the scanners. Find backstreets, take out any lookouts or guards and get those kids back home. Tsunemori can bite me for all I care.

Taking a glance at my alarm clock, there was a sudden knock at the door. I moved to grab my needles and knives.

"Name and business." I took another drink from my beer.

"Shinya. My business is yours." He walked in so casually.

"My room isn't, though." I gave him a lazy side-look.

"True," I felt his eyes slide over me. "You're dressed."

"And you aren't?" He was in his usual suit and tie, looking as unkempt as always. Huh. The 'rugged detective' look did suit him...

"Heading out?" He ignored my question.

"You are such an outrageously annoying man. Did you know that?" I grabbed my knives and put one in each boot, also tucking in my pantlegs so they wouldn't get caught on anything. Two knives went into my belt, two more up my sleeves. I locked a sheath of needles around my wrist and looked up at the six-foot tall man. His face remained blank, but he made no effort to hide the amusement in his eyes.

"That's saying a lot, considering you still haven't given me a definite answer. Quite the compliments your handing out there." I looked over to the side, cheeks slightly warm as I crossed my arms. "Yes? No? Yes again?"

"Will you stop that? You're in my head again." I groaned. "Now quit stalling. I need to go." I pushed past him out of the room. Before I knew it, he was keeping up with my pace, eyes darting to mine before looking ahead. WHY do you insist?! I mentally screamed. It made me wonder how and why this guy was so damn stubborn. I- er, we, eventually made it down to the front entrance of Headquarters and slipped out of the front doors undetected by security and other MWPSB personnel. Ko started to move for a car, but I spoke up.

"I like to stay clear of cars. I prefer a motorbike or on foot, but seeing as how someone," I gave him a pointed glare, "insisted on coming along, I'm held back."

"Why am I holding you back? Because you want all the glory for yourself?" That did it. I pulled back my lips in a snarl, baring pointed and sharp canines and having surprise flash across his face.

"I'm not having those kids possibly go through something I once went through. I'm not human, either!" I hissed fiercely. The pain from back then ghosted through my back and shoulder. I might as well be blunt. I crouched, having my legs coil like springs before launching myself skyward up the side of Headquarters. The last few feet, I ran up the windows and did a front flip onto the roof. Crouching back down and balancing on my toes on the very edge of the roof, I could see the surprise evident and pure on his face. I'm something like a superhuman, I spoke into his mind. Now head back to bed. I turned away and took off in a sprint. The best way to make an exit, I guess.

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