I wake up in an unfarmiliar environment. My eyes slowly open to bright lights in what appears to be a hostpital like room.
I sit up confused. "What the hell? Where am I?" I look around memorizing my surroundings, as this may become useful In the future. I get up to find I that I am in different clothes now.
Now, I wear a dark grey hoodie a little big for me. Underneath is a black tee with a green symbol of a game called Sburb. I am wearing dark denim jeans and my black and white converse that I own. My hair is now pulled back into a pony tail.
I get up from the hostpital gernie. I walk around the room looking for anything useful. I then realize that I dont have my pistol. "Shit!" I frantically look around because that was my only weapon. I pull open a drawer and I find a couple of throwing knives. These will have to do.
I walk away from the drawer and I cautiously poke my head into the long bright hallways. I look to my right and my left. Coast is clear. I decide to try to escape here.
I decide to go right, but then turn around realizing that left may be the entrance/exit that I can hopefully escape out of.
As I walk, I hear footsteps behind me. Out of instinct I instantly turn around both of the knives held into fighting position only to find the barell to a rifle right before my face. I look atbthe person holding it. He looks very farmiliar. Something in my mind clicks. I gasp realizing who it is. He lowers the gun and I surrender my knives. Standing before me is my hero.
A/n: I know this chapters short but I assure you there is more to come. I hope you guys are enjoying it. I love leaving you guys on cliff hangers. *suspense grows within you*
Yes I know you are dying to know what happens next but I guess you will just have to wait. Sorry not sorry. Anyways, thanks for reading! Love you guys!