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*Hiro's POV*

It was 1 year ago today that my brother Tadashi Hamada had ran into the burning SFIT building trying to save that peice of shit. The one person I wish would have never existed in the first place, I mean he didn't care that my brother tried to save him from the fire, and he had been looking for something to steal so he kill the man who sent his daughter Abigail to an alernate dimension. And he just had to steal my neuro-controlled micro-bots.

"Hiro, come on down, breakfast is ready," my aunt Cass had said. "Coming," I dressed my self in a red T-shirt, some black jeans, and my favorite blue hoodie.

Aunt Cass had made a plate of waffles for me because she knew today would be a terrible day for me. "Thanks aunt Cass, I need to go to school, bye" I said walking out the door.

When I walked in the nerd lab, everyone was busy with their own work exept Honey Lemon, they probably didn't realize what today was, or they were trying to forget about what happened. Fred was reading a comic book in his suit. Wasabi was cleaning up something that looked like a mix of soda and pizza, Fred was probably trying to create something 'leave the inventing up to us' I thought. Honey Lemon, who was having a pretty rough time by the looks of it, was making some dark blue, raining chem balls, I feel bad for her since they were dating when Tadashi had ran in. Then there was her, her beautiful midnight black hair with that perfect purple streak through it, her amazing body, Gogo Tomago, she was working on her Maglev bike, so I had walked in and headed to my desk across from Tadashi's, and just sat there and started to cry.

"Hey dude, are you ok," Fred asked me.

"No Fred, I'm not ok, do you not remember what happened a year ago, my brother died, the only other person who remembers is Honey, so no I'm not ok!"

"Hey kid, we all remember, it's just we're trying to continue on our work, it's what he would have wanted," Wasabi had said walking towards me.

"I don't care, don't you guys think that you could mourn him, I'm going back home."

"Hiro wait," Gogo said turning up the volume on the TV.

"There is a fire at the Lucky Cat Cafe, we are not sure what started the fire or if there was anyone injured, we will let you know when we find out more about the story."

"Aunt Cass!"

New to this, so like I said in the description, any critism is helpful. Thanks guys. Seeya.

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