The Fire

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"I need to go home and check on aunt Cass"

"Hiro, remember what happened a year ago, Tadashi cared about Callahan, and he ran into the fire to rescue him," Honey replied

"Don't tell me to remember, and why did you have to say that jerk's name," I shouted. I wanted to punch the wall but that would make me look childish, sure I'm I'm 15 and not 17-20 like the rest of them but, 15 is not a child and I especially didn't want to look like a child in front of Gogo.

'Of course there has to be another fire on the one year anniversary, wait that can't be a coincidence,' I thought. "Guys, there's no way this is a coincidence, I mean the one year anniversary."

"Hiro, maybe Cass just didn't watch the time when she was making something and a fire had started," commented Gogo.

'Damn it, why does she have to make so much sense'

"I guess you're right, anyway, any of you guys want to take me back to the cafe,"

"I will, my Maglev bike is the fastest bike ever."

"Thanks Gogo," I looked her up and down, wondering if I should tell her that I like her, and I could feel my cheeks warming up really fast.

*Gogo's POV*

Hiro was looking me up and down for a while when I saw his cheeks turn as red as tomatoes, then I could feel my self blushing. 'Why are you blushing at a kid who's two years younger than you, it's not like you have feelings for him, now do you,' I mentally scolded myself.

"We should probably leave so we can go check up on Cass," 'and escape the fact that I just blushed in front of everyone and I don't blush, Honey would never let me live that down.'

*Hiro's POV*

'Did I just see Gogo Tomago blush when I looked sized her up.'

"We should probably leave so we can check up on Cass," 'I'm not going to let her escape from the fact that she blushed that easily'

"Yeah, let's go Gogo," I said hopping on the back of her bike.

*Gogo's POV*

As we were walking out the nerd lab door I heard Honey Lemon ask "did anyone else just see Gogo blush." 'Damn it, I was so close'

*Hiro's POV*

We rode over to my house; which is also a cafe, and saw aunt Cass sitting on the curb. When the bike stopped I ran as fast as I could to aunt Cass.

"Aunt Cass are you okay?"

"Yes, Hiro I'm okay, but the fire did damage the cafe kitchen."

"You really had the poor kid worried Cass, I mean seeing as today is the one year anniversary, and a fire happened then, and again today," 'thanks a lot Gogo, couldn't you wait until tomorrow'

"Hiro, go inside and change into something you wouldn't bot-fight in."

"Okay aunt Cass," hey, while I'm in here I could bring down the picture I drew of Gogo, that said "I love you Leiko/Gogo Tomago," wait it's not here.

"Gogo, I think Hiro drew this for you."

'Aww shit'

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