The Return

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Only words that are italicized in single quotes ('random words') means that person is thinking not words that are in single quotes ('random words'). Anyway, on to the story.

*Hiro's POV*

"What the hell was that Hiro."

"I don't know Gogo, but we should probably get the others."

"Yeah, but first what's that," she asked, pointing at my red and blue Maglev bike.

"After I first saw your bike I started creating some ideas and I've been working on them since the beginning of the year, so now that I'm done working on it, I don't have to ride with the rest of the gang anymore."

"Speaking of which, let's go."

*3rd person POV: In the cafeteria*

"I honestly think that was the most awkward lunch ever, anyone else agree with me," asked Fred.

Then, there was a loud explosion, glass shattered and the floor began to rumble.

*Hiro's POV*

"It's a good thing I made this, huh babe," I said while we were flying on my bike.

"Don't ever call me that again, got it babe."

"Oh, so you can say it but I can't, why don't I just call you 'baby', actually that works, sorry about your bike baby."

"Woah, Fred you need to control your hunger," "Wasabi, that wasn't me."

"Guys, head to lab and suit up there's something making explosions out front and it destroyed Gogo's bike," I said tossing them their suits.

"OMG, it's Hirogo," I heard Honey say while she running to get suited, "oh I'm going to kill her after we take down whatever that thing out front is," she said nuzzling my neck.

*30 minutes later*

"Okay guys, we all ready," I asked. "Yeah, let's light this thing on fire," Fred said shooting fire from his suit.

"Charge!" I shouted and we all charged out the front door to see him.

"Hiro, is that..."
"Yep, it's him all right."
"Didn't he die?"
"Shut up you idiot."
"How did he survive"
"Why don't you ask him."
"Nah, he's trying to kill us"

He was wearing red and blue armor, had a mini-gun in one hand and a RPG in the other and in front of him he had a sentry turret that was aiming at the five of us since Baymax was back home charging.

"How are we supposed to take this guy down, he means so much to all of us," "Fred, we have to take him down, no matter how much it hurts us, but he is no longer the same as we remember or he would not be trying to kill us," I said mostly to rest of us and not just Fred.

'Also where in the world did he either find the materials or find the weapons'

"Oh no, he's headed to Krei's old island, maybe that's where he got the material to build the weapons," Gogo whispered into my ear as he strapped the sentry turret to his back while it was still firing (don't ask me, I'm just telling you what I saw) and started up his jet powered jet-pack.

"Guys, there's no way he's real, we all saw him get blown up last year," Gogo reassured us. "Okay so if he wasn't real, then someone created an identical clone of him," Gogo gave Fred a dead-arm after he said that.

'I feel bad for Fred, I know how much a dead-arm hurts and I've seen Gogo punch a small hole in a steel sign when she was mad'

"You know, I was going to ask if all of you wanted to come over to my place and chill, but since Gogo just gave me a dead-arm, which hurts like hell," Gogo smirked at that, "everyone else is invited."

"No Fred, I can't go, I'm going to help Gogo remake her Maglev bike." "So that two down, how about you guys," "yeah, I'll come," Honey gave Gogo and me a look that said I won't tell them. "Don't worry Wasabi, Fred probably won't have any wasabi there," "that was one time Gogo, I was planning on going anyways."

"See you guys tomorrow," "later Gogo, peace out Hiro," and with that we went our separate ways.

*around midnight in the nerd lab*

"So, you created this bike just by looking at my bike," "no, I rode on it a few times when you let me," I walked over and have her a peck on cheek, "so, do you want it back to the original or do you want some 'improvements' made," "a mix of the two," she kissed me back.

*at about five AM*

"So what do you think baby, does it work for you," "yeah babe, it does."

"What I still don't understand is how the original Baymax is okay, the portal exploded with him in it after he launched you and Abigail safely out of the portal, also do you know why he had tried to kill us earlier today?"

"I guess when he gave me his helping chip I left his attacking chip in. Oh shit, it's almost 5:30 in the morning aunt Cass is probably stress eating again but she might not be, but either way she probably worried sick about me, love you baby," I gave her a peck on the lips, "got to go."

I then hopped on my Maglev and drove it home, and parked it in the garage, I'm so glad that side garage doors were made. I then tiptoed my way to my room being undetected, luckily it was Friday or was Friday, either way once a wake up in the morning it will be Saturday morning, after I got in my room I had lain down on my bed and once my head hit the pillow I was dreaming wonderful dreams about me and Gogo.

So, the original Baymax returned and is trying to kill everyone, he doesn't even know there is another Baymax, damn there will be a lot of drama when he finds out. I know they there were a lot of people who thought "The Return" was about Tadashi returning and I had to put a twist in the story. It's 12:44 in the morning (aka 44 minutes after midnight) and usually I stay up until the but I've been writing this chapter for over two hours, not to mention staring at a glowing screen is bad for your eyes or the fact that I'm not that much of a writer (except in things I'm interested like fanfics and this is my first time ever writing one.) Night guys.

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