You Lied!/Transformation

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Queen Haylee's POV

I'm pacing back and forth in the throne room waiting for Prince Nick's servant, Harry, to come back with Lou White's heart. With his heart, then I will be the fairest one in the land and keep my beauty for a long time. I was getting worried so I went to my mirror to ask where he is. "Mirror, mirror in my hand, Harry is in what part of the land?" My image faded and the mirror's face appeared.

"My queen, he is on his way, but there is something he did not do. Something that you asked him to do, he did something else." The face disappeared and Harry came in with the box where I asked him to put Lou White's heart in. He ran to me and knelt down on one knee lifting the box.

"My queen, the deed is done. This is Lou White's heart just like I promised." He opened the box and looked at me. I grabbed the box and brought it to my mirror.

"Well mirror, here it is, Lou White's heart." My mirror look at it and sighed. "Mirror what's wrong? The nice man brought us Lou White's heart! See for yourself." I said smiling.

"I am deeply sorry my queen, but that heart isn't Lou White's. It's a deer's heart." I stared at mirror blankly then turned back to Harry.

"You lied?! To your own queen?! How could you?!" I shouted at him.

"My queen, I am terribly sorry but I couldn't do it! He is just so beautiful and killing him would kill me. Why do you want him dead? What has he done to you?" Harry asked me.

"He stole my beauty that's what he did! Ever since I came into his life he always been prettier than me, his father said so on our wedding day. So the night we got married I killed his father so I can be the ruler of the kingdom! I gave everyone masks so no one can see his beauty but people will recognize his voice. So, I went to you to kill him but you just disobeyed me?!" I ranted at him.

"My queen, I know you hate Lou White but killing him is not an option! I would tell everyone in the entire world that you killed your own son!" I chuckled at him.

"And how are you going to do that? You're just a servant. Guards!" I yelled and Harry's eyes widened. The guards came in rushing to my sides. "Take this servant to dungeon, and keep him down there till I tell you release him." They nodded and grabbed Harry.

"You will regret this Queen Haylee! I promise!" I laughed and saw Ted coming in rubbing his face.

"Oh Ted you look amazing with that mask on."

Bark! Can I take this off now?! It's hurting my eyes.

"Oh honey we need to keep it on because it's my law and I want to look perfect." I said to him.

Bark! I know how you'll look even more perfect! Ted jumped on me and scratched my face. Bark! There you go you old bat!

"Ted! What the?! You ruined my face! My beautiful face! Ted get out of here before I send in guards to kill you." Ted ran off to the other room and Prince Nick came in with a group of girls around him. I quickly covered my face where Ted scratched my face. "Prince Nick what are you doing here? You're supposed to be eating your lunch."

"Well, Queen Haylee I was, then I saw these lovely servants and thought, why not go to them and chat for awhile. So I did!" He said laughing.

"Oh Prince Nick tell us more about the time you saved Harry from dying." Servant Mack said.

"Well, I walking in the woods then I saw him..." I saw him walk out with the servants and I raced to my mirror.

"Oh mirror, look at me! Look at what that evil dog did to my beautiful face!" My mirror's face reappeared and gave a horrified look when he saw me. "Do you think it'll scar?"

"Maybe, but I know your magic will fix it." I thought for a second then nodded. But then I had an idea.

"Mirror! You said my magic right?!" My mirror looked at me confused then nodded. "Well, why don't we use it to create a potion that will disguise myself to trick Lou White into thinking he's the fairest in the land." I smirked at my mirror.

"Oh my queen, you always know what to say. I'm in! But what disguise will trick him? He's is very good at finding out who someone is." My mirror explained. We both thought for a moment but then he brightened up. "I have one, but it's a hard one to pull off." I looked at him to go on. "You would need your chemicals for this potion." I mentally smacked my head because all my potions need my chemicals. When I was done grabbing all of my supplies I put my mirror in front of me so I can hear him. "You would need, one snake brain, two rat tails, a newt, a drop of your blood, and I'm sorry my queen but you need to cut a part of your hair." I looked at him in shock.

"Mirror you can't be serious? Do you know how long it takes to grow this kind of hair?"

"Do you want to disguise yourself or not Haylee?"

"Okay, okay! I'll do it." I grabbed the scissors and cut a decent amount of my hair and dropped in the pot with the other ingredients. When it was done I looked at my mirror. "Now what?"

"Drink it." He said firmly.

"What?! Can we add an ingredient that will give it a nicer taste? Like blueberries? Mangos? Or bananas?! Anything?!" I asked.

"Drink it Haylee. It won't be that bad." I looked at my mirror then back at the drink. I gathered my courage and drank half of it. "No, no. All of it Haylee, it will last longer." I sighed and finished it.

"I don't feel anything! Did you lie to yo-" I didn't get to finish because I felt my body turning inside out. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair is turning white, my hands got all boney, I got a hunch, my voice was more scratchy. "Oh mirror I look perfect now all I need is something that will kill him." I looked through my poison spell book and found the perfect poison. "A sleeping death will do the trick. Right mirror?" He smiled and nodded. "The only way to reverse this curse is to share True Love's Kiss." I laughed and put all the ingredients in a pot and mixed them. When it was ready I grabbed an apple like figure and dipped in the pot. When it was totally covered I lifted it and smile when it showed a skull. Then it turned red to look like an apple. "Now I'm ready to kill my stupid, ugly stepson. Wish me luck mirror!" I walked out and seeing Harry in the cell sitting with his legs to his chest. "You can't save precious princess now!" He looked up at me and scooted back. "With one bite of this apple, no one will be able to save him." I laughed when I heard Harry yelling and started my journey to find Lou White. This is going to be awesome.

Harry's POV

When I saw Queen Haylee, I was terrified. But when she said if Lou White bites out of the apple she had, no one can save him I was furious. I pulled on the restraints and yelled for her. "You won't get away with this! Someone will save him! And that someone is me! Oh Lou White, if only you can see the real me." I whispered to myself.

Author's Note:

Hello once again! I was so excited to write this chapter! I have news for you, sorry for people that can't go... but my friends and I are going to see 5 Seconds Of Summer! We are going on September 4 in Camden New Jersey. Our section is 104. It's funny because me and one of my friends go to the same school and we're off that day because Labor Day weekend and it's also first week of school! Also on the 8th I might be getting my wisdom teeth pulled so wish me luck on that! I have nothing else to say but vote, comment on this if you liked this part and if you want to chat with me, go ahead and message me. I get bored fast so if you message me we can fangirl over anything you want! So that's it for now guys! I hope you're having amazing day/night wherever you are and keep smiling!


Ali Xx :D

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