Rory Williams x Reader

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Imagine: Things being awkward between you and Rory because you like each other.

I'm never been one for relationships, and you can blame Rory Williams for that. He's ruined any expectations I could ever have in a guy. Rory's sweet, kind, smart, and funny. What more can you ask? It's doesn't hurt that he's incredibly handsome as well.

I met him back in grade school. He was the first person that I became friends with, actually. He was kind to me when others weren't, and he still is. I couldn't be more thankful for him...


In recent months, things have become a bit strange. Like...really strange. Perhaps strange isn't the word I'm looking for. Oh! I know the word! Awkward! Things have gotten very, very awkward between us. I have no idea why, either. It started when I went to visit him during his lunch break at his job. He's a nurse, you see. He helps save people for a a superhero! ...scratch that. That was weird. Anyway, yeah. I went to visit him, because he asked me to. It was something we did, and sometimes, it was the only time we saw each other.

So, when I went up to the hospital he works at, I had to wait in the waiting room until he got off. Something I did every day. While I was waiting, I started conversing with a bloke around my age, just to pass the time. We were laughing and talking about current events when Rory finally walked into the lobby. I didn't notice him at first, so he just tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I wanted to go sit outside with him. Of course I said yeah.

It was a rather nice day that day. The sun was shining, and people were out walking and mingling amongst themselves. Rory was eating his sandwich and rambling away about all the things he had seen that day. I remember watching him with a smile on my face, fascinated by what he had to say.  I was happy. He looked rather happy too! In fact, that was probably the happiest I had seen him in awhile.

"You're so adorable," I blurted out without even realizing it. As soon as I did, I covered my mouth with my hands.

"I uh...thanks," he blushed, making me blush. Blimey...

"I'm sorry," I apologized quickly, shaking my head. I can't believe I did that!

"Me too," he replied, making me look up,"Wait, what am I apologizing for? Nevermind. Forget I said that."

My cheeks were undoubtedly bright red as I fiddled with my thumbs. He awkwardly took another bite of his sandwich.

"'s your dad?" I asked after a moment or so of silence.

"He's good," he nodded, "Keeps asking when we're going to get married though."

My eyes widened, "What?!"

His cheeks turned bright red as well, "Forget I said that too."

I nodded, clearing my throat, "Well, um, your break is almost over. I'll see you soon?"

"I hope so," he nodded as well as he stood up. He smiled at me and stepped towards me, but at the time, I had no idea what the hell he was going to do, so being the bright young woman I am, I held out a hand. He, very awkwardly, shook it with a confused look on his face before we went our separate ways.


"I. Am. Such. An. Idiot!" I banged my forehead against my bedroom door in turn with each word. It was my fault things were almost unbearably awkward between my best friend and I...but I dunno, maybe it was for the best? I fancied the hell out of Rory, and maybe we just weren't meant to be. Perhaps we were better off friends.

Today was his day off, so, we decided to go to the cinema. Rory loves the movies. He always gets the biggest thing of popcorn they sell, and the two of us share it. It was great fun, and one of my favorite things to do, honestly.

"Knock, knock!" Rory's voice filled the silence of my flat. As soon as I heard it, I stepped out of my room and into the main room to see him looking around at all the photos hanging on the wall. A few of them were of him and me, but most of them were of family that lived a pretty fair ways from here.

"Ready?" I smiled eagerly.

"As I'll ever be," he nodded, and we were off. The walk to the small movie theater wasn't to far, and luckily, it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. Once were were inside, and had ordered our popcorn and drinks, we made sure to get the best seats in the theater.

"I've heard this movie was good," I said quietly as it started.

"Me too," he whispered back, taking a big bite of popcorn. I stifled a laugh.

I'll admit, the movie was good, but I couldn't help but notice that Rory's eyes weren't even on the fact, it was like he was staring at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, making him blink a few times.

"Hmm? What? Yeah!'s just..." he stumbled over his words, "[Y/N], I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" I whispered.

"I...I like you. A lot," he blushed, and my hand stopped in midair. I was going to grab a handful of popcorn, but this shocked me. Properly shocked me.

"Well...Rory...then I suppose it's a good thing I like you too," I admitted, a big grin plastered on my face.


"Really really," I nodded, subconsciously moving closer to him.

"You're not kidding?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent sure."

Relief flooded over his features as a smile formed on hid lips. My eyes were instantly drawn to them.

"[Y/N]...this may be a bit quick, but can I kiss you?" he asked, fumbling over his words.

"We're in a cinema. What could be a better place?" I beamed.

"Is that a yes?"


"Wait, was that a yes to the question or a yes to the kissing question?"


"Oh. Okay," he nodded and moved closer to me. I smiled and closer my eyes, waiting for our lips to connect, when...

"Ow!" I huffed, pressing a hand to my forehead, "You head-butted me!"

"I-I didn't mean to!" he said quickly, earning a few shushes from the other movie goers.

I instantly started laughing, having to hide my face in his shoulder to keep quiet. Rory eventually started laughing as well.

"That was pretty funny," I chuckled.

"I didn't do it on purpose," he assured.

I smiled at him, and before I lost my nerve, I leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"So, I can officially call Rory Williams my boyfriend?" I leaned my head on his shoulder as I turned back to the movie, grabbing myself some popcorn.

"As long as I can call [Y/N] [Y/L/N] my girlfriend," he retorted.

"," I grinned.


A/N: Is it awesome? I hope so!

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