10th Doctor x Reader

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Imagine: Being an alien outlaw, and ending up in the TARDIS while running from police.

It's not like I asked to be this way. I didn't wake up one day and say I'm going to rob someone, or I'm going to steal the most expensive artifact in Xonos history. It just sorta happened. I know, that might sound daft, and it is. The people I was associated with weren't the best, I'll admit, but they were all I had. It's not easy being alone on this planet. Ever since I was little, I had wanted to travel far away from here, to get away from all of these people and make my own life. Let's just say, it didn't happen.

That would explain while I'm currently sneaking into the oldest museum on my small planet. My objective was to break in, steal the most guarded piece of metal in the whole of the galaxy, and then return it to my boss. He promised passage to the neighboring galaxy, The Milky Way, if I succeeded. It was my ticket away from this place. How could I turn it down?

It wasn't going to be easy, though. You see, that piece of metal? It's the oldest known blade on the planet. It's estimated to be over millions of years old, and trust me, it definitely looked like it. Legend has it that the creator of my people, used it to kill the most dangerous villain in the whole of the Universe. Now, to me, it's just a rather twisted fairy tale. But to the rest of the population? It was just as real as you and I.

"Are you in?" Xavier, my boss, whispered over my earpiece, as if someone could hear him.

"Yes, sir. So far, the close is clear," I informed professionally, rolling my eyes. Man, I really didn't like that guy.

"Good. There should be three guards surrounding the display case, along with multiple security cameras."

"Sir, I would appreciate it if you would tape into the security software and stunt it, for approximately three minutes, tops. I can be in and out in that time."

"You're good, but not that good."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "Please, sir."

He contemplated for a moment, "3 minutes. No more than that."

"Thank you, sir."

"You better not let me down, [Y/L/N]. One mistake could ruin this whole mission."

I decided not to reply, knowing what he was trying to say. Mess up and you're dead.

It didn't take long for me to make it to the exhibit. As Xavier said, three guards stood at their posts, looking ahead with a blank expression. As quietly as I could, I told Xavier to active the alarms. Within seconds, an almost unbearable noise rang through the air. I watched the guards run, in an almost orderly fashion, down the opposite corridor to find whatever was causing the deafening screeching.

"That was easy," Xavier commented as I got to work. I ignored his comments as I worked to carefully to seize the crumbling piece of metal. I stored it in the glass receptacle one of Xavier's henchmen had handed me for I was brought to the museum. "27 seconds."

"I'm almost done," I hissed anxiously as I filled the empty display case with a replica, trying to position it just as the real one was. I placed the glass casing over it just as the alarms shut off. My heart about pounded of my chest as footsteps replaced new found silence.

"Get out of there!" Xavier's frantic voice only made things worse as I tried to make my escape. I dashed down the dimly lit corridor, towards one of the many exits. The only thing I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my ears as I went to unlock the security coded door. It took a few times, and just as the door slid open, shouts filled the air. I risked a glance to my left to see what had to of been every damn security guard rushing towards me.

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