What went wrong?

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"No, I Don't know who you are or who 'Ziva' is but I must be going" Ziva replied quickly, she put her head back down and attempted to quickly run away. Tony managed to grab her shoulder in time, not to hard but just enough for her to know she wasn't getting away with running away again, they needed to talk.

"Don't you think you've done enough running away" Ziva  froze, the words coming from DiNozzos mouth hit her, hard. Slowly she turned and made eye contact with the man standing in front of her that was once her part-time lover and her full time friend. Lost for words she just gazed at Tony with her deep brown eyes filled with pools of tears threatening to escape, waiting for him to say something.
"What went wrong?"
Ziva thought strongly and deeply about her answer, over and over she racked her brain for an excuse in order for her to dodge the true story behind her return. She could not. Her eyes started filling with water and realisation hit Ziva, she couldn't lie to this man anymore. The stone wall went back up, she straightened her back and the emotion was vanished from her face as she simply said "it's a long story"
"Don't give me that shit Ziva, not again"
"Stop being so pathetic Tony, why is it now you only pretend to care that I left, no doubt you've moved on" Ziva hissed, not realising the harshness of the words she had just said.

"Pathetic? Really, I thought you would of given up on that one a long time ago, y'know, considering you're the one that ran away with no explanation, not even a phone call, nothing. I tried to contact you. Hell, I even got McGee to track your phone everyday for the first month and we found nothing! NOTHING! I was a mess Ziva, as was everyone else, so don't you dare stand there and tell me I didn't care, I have never cared for anyone as much and if that's a crime then so be it"

Stunned that the man who was once the guy that sat in the office ogling over the blonde, skinny girls in the playboy magazines was stood before her pouring his emotions out about how he really felt.
"I can't do this here, can we go somewhere a bit more private?" She said, looking around her as if she was checking to see if anyone was watching, one person in particular- Ray.

Tony studied the Israeli woman with his jaw tight but eyes full of emotion. He nodded, put his arm out to guide her as to which way they were going to go.

I'm sorry that this took so long, I had exams and school& when I did write my chapters weren't being saved and kept deleting but all is good now, I have finished school and will carry on writing. Tell me what you think of this chapter, I will update more frequently too☺️

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