The warmth is not always welcoming

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Watch the video, it's so lovely. I just thought the song fitted well. *i am not claiming any rights to the video, it is NOT mine, I am nowhere near enough that talented. creds to whoever did do it, it's fabulous.*

It had been two hours since Ziva broke down in front of Tony. It had been two hours since Tony comforted the woman who's sobs racked through her ribs. It had been two hours since he saw the woman who was once stronger than anything, break down completely in front of his eyes.

Tony studied Zivas face as her eyes closed and her head rested in his chest, her breathing settling down only with an intake of jagged breaths every so often. He noticed the look of worry on the Israeli woman's face even when she's asleep. He noticed how her brows were slightly knitted together and how her forehead was slightly creased. He wonders to himself

'how did I let this happen, where was I, I should of been there'

Questions ran around his head and anger pulsed through his veins. Not towards Ziva, but towards the vile being that made Ziva this way. Rather than shouting out his thoughts Tony simply let out a frustrated sigh, quietly to be sure not to wake the resting woman up.

He waits until he thinks she's sleeping deep enough to carry her into bed and proceeds to do so. He shifts her head against his shoulder and puts one arm underneath her legs. He begins to stand with her in his arms bridal style. As he does he feel how light Ziva was now. It worried him greatly, stress does that to people you see. It works in a funny way, some people lash out when under stress. Others shut themselves away. Ziva, she was forced to shut herself away. She became scared. Scared to move, scared to breathe. She lost weight, she became broken, stress does that to people.

Tony set Ziva in the clean bedsheets in the spare room, ensuring she looked comfortable and proceeded to tuck her into the blankets. She shifted into the duvets slightly but remained asleep. Tony then made his way to his own room just down the hallway. He goes into the en suite and begins to wash his face with water and the peppermint scented soap that he got in a gift set some birthdays ago. As he splashes his face with the warm water he looks up at his reflection in the mirror above. He just stares for a second thinking about how much things can change in such a short space of time. He got into bed and soon was sound asleep.

Ziva began mumbling in her sleep, tossing more and more violently.
"Ray don't, please don't."
"Don't hurt him, don't hurt him, I'll go with you just please don't"

Tony was awoken by a bloodcurdling scream that was too close for comfort. His instincts soon overtook him and he proceeded to run down the hall towards the room Ziva slept in.
"Ziva! I'm coming"

As he stands in the doorway he sees that Ziva was sat up startled in bed, it was clear she had a bad dream, it was obvious who it was about. Slowly he began to make his way towards her, as he got closer he saw the droplets of sweat on her face and chest. He sat on the edge of the bed and slowly raised his hand to gently brush her hair away from her face. As he does, she flinches which kills him to see. He quietly mumbles a sorry and reassures her that he won't hurt her. He rests the palm of his hand on the woman's face which was sticky from sweat and slowly pulls her towards him into a hug. He sat there comforting Ziva as she took shaky breaths mumbling to herself. He gently hushes her& tells her it's okay, he's there.

"Shh Ziva, it's okay, I'm here, everything's okay"
"Tony Ray, he was hurting me and you, h-he, he was there and you were going a-and"

Tony looked at the woman trying to make sense of the dream she's just experienced and again hushes her.

"C'mon Ziva. You need rest, lie down and I'll be right here lay next to you, you're safe I promise you"

Ziva looks at him and begins to lie down, Tony lay behind her. He strokes her and she rolls over to bury her face in his chest. He rests his head on her head whispering reassurance over and over. He knew he had to protect her. He wasn't letting her go this time. 
"It's okay Ziva, it will all be okay in the morning, go to sleep, I'm right here."

Ziva once again fell asleep but this time in Tony's arms as he gently stroked the back of her arm to make sure she knew he was always there. He needed to be. Once she had calmed down, Tony then let his own eyes close& let himself slip into a quiet slumber.

Guys I am so so so so so so so so sorry it's taken this long, I'm having personal issues that are having to come first but here's a chapter for you. I'm also really sorry that it's a shitty chapter. I just wanted something a little bit fluffy? And Tivaish? I promise the next chapter will be better. Any comments/feedback/ideas etc are welcome. I want to hear your opinions and ideas of what you want to happen:)

I also want to say Thankyou to the readers that have stayed with me so far through this rather long process! You guys mean a lot to me, I love every single one of you:) hope you're all well& i am always an inbox away of any of you want to chat.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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