Guess Who's Back

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"I am so tired from that last job." Lucy complained resting her head on the table, Gray and Erza sat beside her. "C'mon Lucy it wasn't that bad," Gray replied patting her back lightly. "Besides, now you can pay off your rent." Lucy's head lifted up, she smiled wide and nodded. "That's right!" I should probably do that now." Lucy answered. She got up and headed for the doors when all of a sudden they opened.
gasps from all around
A black figure was standing in the doorway, the figure collapsed to the ground, it revealed to be Natsu.
"N-Natsu?!" Lucy exclaimed, she lifted him up and put his arm around her. "You're back!" She smiled. Natsu glanced at her and then went unconscious. "Wow," Gray blurted. "That must've been a tough job." He got up and helped Lucy carry him. "Let's take him back to my place." She suggested, Gray nodded and they walked out the guild.

Gray's P.O.V-
'Wrong time to come back, Natsu.' I thought, Lucy and I were just becoming better friends. Maybe even more than that. But no, Natsu just had to come back now.
"Just put him on my bed." Lucy asked, I did what she said and sat on the floor. "Gosh he's heavy." I replied rubbing the back of my neck. "I heard that." Natsu murmured, I glanced at him. "Good to have you back." I lied. He nodded and Lucy pulled out the covers for him. I watched her do so, when she was done I got up to leave. "See you around Lucy." I waved as I closed the door behind me.

Lucy's P.O.V-
"NATSU I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I hugged him and covered him in kisses. He blushed and laughed. "That hurts... and tickles! Stop!" He laughed, I stopped and looked up at him. "So how was it? How'd you do?!" I asked laying beside him. "I did the job, but I'll find out tomorrow if I'm S-Class or not," He answered looking down at me, I nodded and rested my head on his chest. "So what happened when I was gone?" He asked me, my eyes widened. When he was gone I totally forgot about him, about us in fact. Gray kept me company most of the time. As a replacement for Natsu. "Not much I've been on a lot more jobs. Gray assisted me on almost all of them." I told him, he looked at me confused. "Gray? Why not Erza?" He asked me, a little over protective don't you think. "I don't know, Gray wanted to." I got up and sat on the chair, so I can have a better look at him. He nodded and became unconscious. 'What that fast?' I laughed to myself and got up to leave. "We all missed you Natsu." I smiled as I closed the door behind me.

"Whoa, slow down Gray," I said holding him close to me. "Remember I'm technically taken." I hiccuped, he just smiled. "Well not technically, because he's not here." Gray replied smirking. "C'mon Luce." He begged. Then I heard Natsu's voice, he always called me Luce. I pushed him away. "No. Natsu is the only person I can do 'this' with!" I yelled and left the inn.

I lost balance and held onto the wall. 'Ugh, I hated that night.' I thought to myself continuing to walk to the guild. Gray had some bad intentions, I would never betray Natsu. Not like that. I'm just glad he's back now Gray won't try anything stupid again.

Normal P.O.V-
The doors opened to the guild, and Lucy appeared at the doorway, she folded her hands together and swung them around. "He's back, and still normal." She giggled, Gray glanced at her as she walked in. 'Hm.' He thought to himself. He turned back to his drink seeing Juvia sitting on the table. "Gray my love!" She threw her arms around him and kissed him all over the place. "Get off of me!" He pushed her away and walked to Lucy. "How's Natsu holding up?" Gray asked sitting beside Lucy, she looked at him and smiled. "He's fine, better than ever!" She looked around the room, "Where's Happy?" She questioned looking at Gray, "Here!" Happy shouted, with a fish in his hands. "Did you talk to Natsu yet?" She asked looking down at Happy munching on his fish. "Yeah I just got back, I came in when you left." The exceed answered. Lucy nodded. "Lucy! Where's Natsu?!" A white haired girl ran up to Lucy. "He's at my apartment, do you want me to take you there?" Lucy replied looking at the girl who appeared to be Lisanna. "Yeah!" she answered pulling Lucy out of the guild.
"So you must be so excited to have him back, aren't you?" Lisanna asked anxious to get to Lucy's apartment. "Yeah I am!" Lucy smiled approaching her front door.
"NATSU DRAGNEEL!" Lisanna pounced onto the bed and snuggled Natsu. "Hey!" He replied patting her back gently. "Oh you don't know how much I've missed you!" She smiled sitting up, she turned to Lucy. But Lucy wasn't there. The door was wide open. "Where'd she go?" Lisanna questioned looking around, Natsu looked down at the floor. "She probably left.." He answered, a frown came upon his face. He sat up and moved away from Lisanna. "Maybe you should go, it's nice to see you again Lisanna." He said watching her get up. "Yeah." She replied leaving Lucy's apartment.
"I can't stand it. I don't mean to be so selfish but ugh!" Lucy shouted to herself heading back to the guild. "I envy her so much!" She yelled as she busted through the guild doors. "You okay?" A deep laid-back voice called out. It was Gray, he pulled up a chair beside Lucy and asked for water. "Um, Gray your clothes." She glanced down at his underwear. "Gah!" He replied, his face turned pale as he got up to recollect his clothing. "Sorry." He confessed. Lucy smiled and nodded. "Here!" Mira handed Lucy and Gray two tall glasses of water. "So, what happened?"

Way longer than I expected!
I've came up with a GREAT idea for this story! You'll find out what it is soon (:
Please vote! Here's something we can do if you want... you can vote for my story and I'll read yours and vote for yours! A vote for vote kinda thing. Only because I know you guys have a lot of potential more than me that's for sure. And I need to read a new fan fiction anyway. So please VOTE!

-Amanda 🔥🔑

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