This Won't Be The Last Fight

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Sting's P.O.V-
I wasn't scared. He may have beaten me once. But I'm a lot stronger. He can give me everything he has.

"Alright then. But would you really go against Lucy? Don't you love her?" I threw him off guard. I bet my words echoed in his head. He knows he's in love. So I took the opportunity.

"WHITE SHADOW DRAGON ROAR!!" I shouted, a white shadow came from my mouth and hit Natsu. "I WASNT READY NO FAIR!" He pouted. It's not the time for that Natsu. I thought.

"FIRE DRAGON IORN FIST!" I dodged it like child's play. Is he this weak? I regained balance and got ready for my next hit.

I ran up to him and started throwing fists. No use to waste my magic power on this weakling.

"Why are you doing this?!" I shouted over our fighting, he dodged a couple of my punches but I hit him most of the time.

"I love Lucy more than anything, and I know she loves me! You just took her away from me." He shouted back, he punched me that time, I almost fell back but everything stopped when we heard a female voice.

"I don't love you Natsu," The woman said. "I'm sorry." Then she fell to the ground her blonde hair fell in her face, and she started sobbing.

"What?!" Natsu clenched his fists. He was holding back his tears. "What happened Lucy." Natsu walked towards her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing. I loved you but just not anymore!" She cried into his chest, he wrapped his arms around her.

"I don't love you either Sting, I'm sorry if this sounds messed up but..." She murmured the last part, loud enough for me to hear it. "I don't think I ever did." She stood up and brushed her self off, still tears in her eyes.

"I don't know if I can forgive this, not right now." She looked at Natsu and then left.

What have we done.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Natsu shouted. His eyes glowed. He looked demonic, he came at me full force. His magic power?! It got ten times stronger.. I panicked.

"Hey just wait a-!" I got cut off by his punching and kicking, he did it so fast I couldn't keep up. Defeat.

Everything stopped. I fell. I was down for the count, I had no strength to talk or move. I just smiled. Well it was worth it.

"Looks like your gonna be in a hospital for awhile kid." Natsu laughed. What is this? He would never do this. I thought to myself.

He gave me one last punch to the face and darkness filled my vision.

Natsu's P.O.V-
"NATSU DRAGNEEL TO MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW." A little old man shouted, I turned to see Makarov. "Yes sir." I ran to his office.

"Why did you do that to Sting? HAVE YOU GONE MAD?" He scolded. I looked down. "No sir." I said, I didn't feel guilty at all.

"Look boy, I know you did this for Lucy. But you disobeyed her will!" She said NOT TO fight." He sighed. "And now.... you lost her." Was he giving me advice? Lucy would have to come back to me!

"I'm sorry to say this but, you are officially suspended from the guild for 3 months," He turned his back to me. "For using your magic inappropriately." He pointed to the door telling me to leave.

I walked out the door, my emblem faded. I grinned. "There are other guilds out there gramps." I laughed, and headed towards my house. No ones gonna stop me. "This won't be the last fight, kid." I said as I walked past Sting.

I'll fight like hell next time, and make sure you're down for good.

ALRIGHTTT NATSUUU he has to calm down there. Is he going to join a dark guild? What is this?!?! Why'd Lucy let him go 😩 He can't live without her mannnn.
P.S- I think this is going to be the last chapter, sorry 😞. But hey I have another book which is going to be super good! (in my opinion) called Sea Dragon Slayer.
Please go check it out!! Thanks babes💗

-Amanda 🔥🔑

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