Sammy Imagine

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Okay so I was on tumblr and this imagine popped up I read it while listening to Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars and it may or may not give you major feels!
So all credits to Tumblr

"Its beautiful" you said weakly to your boyfriend of three years, Sammy wilkinson.
"You're more beautiful" he said softly into your ear. You sighed, closing your eyes taking in the fresh scent of nature.
"I wish I could have taken you to places like this earlier" Sammy said, sadness filling in his voice. You smiled weakly, looking down at your pale hands.
"Its okay, you didn't know" you said, not before falling into one of your coughing Frenzy's again.

Cancer. The word that you had always feared.
It ran through most of your family's blood and now unfortunately yours as well.

You've figured out you've had it about two months ago when you could hardly walk, your body was always ice cold and pale.
In a way you knew it was going to happen, you just didn't want it to happen now. When the doctor told you that you had less than a year to live, you took it a lot calmer than Sammy did.

He refused to talk to anyone but you. It surprised you when he stopped using social media things. He still had friends, family, and even fans who worried about him, but even when you tried to convince him to spend time with others he would refuse.

All you both had been doing was traveling, cuddling, making love, but by each day you got weaker and weaker and he could tell. He could also tell you were trying to ignore it and make a living out of it.

"The guys wanna stop by today since we're close to where there staying" you said grabbing his hand.
He just shook his head rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand, looking out at the trees.

"I don't want to see them, I want to spend every minute with you" he argued.
You sighed heavily. He did this every time. "Sammy, they miss you. Their worried about you. They just-" "Worried? About me? There's nothing wrong with me! You're the one -" you watched as he got quiet, tears silently falling.
"I don't want to lose another second with you and if their around I'll lose more than a second with you" he said, his bottom lip trembling.
"Why are you doing this Sammy?" You asked, looking at the river as it flowed so smoothly between the rocks.
"Doing what?" He asked looking over at you. You never took your eyes off the river, the cold breeze running through your thinned hair.
"Being with me. You could be out finding a new girl, whose not dying. Who could satisfy you, who could pleasure you in every way you want. I can't even do that" you said silently as a tear fell from your eye.
"Don't say that (y/n). Don't you ever say that. You are everything I want. I don't want anyone else. I could never love anyone like I love you. I don't care about pleasure. You looking at me is pleasuring and satisfaction. I don't want anything but you to be in my arms. " he said, his warm fingers rubbing your single tear away.

A small smile formed on your cheek before you leaned over and kissed him gently. "Well, will you at least see the boys... For me? I mean, I want to see them before i-" you were interrupted by sammys lips placed on yours.
"Please don't say it" he whispered gently. You just nodded gently, placing your for head against his.

"Come on, they'll be excited to see you. " you said patting is leg before attempting to stand up.
"Here let me help" he said standing up. You watched as one of his arms laced under your knees and the other behind your back before he picked you up bridal style.

"Sammy, put me down this we walked a mile to get here" you said with a giggle following behind. His smile beamed as you let out a soft giggle, shaking his head.
"If you'd let me, I'd carry you for the rest of my life" he said looking at you as he walked through the small path way in the woods. Moments like this made you hate your sickness even more. You didn't want to lose him, he was everything you had, and he was the best thing you've ever had. You guys had finally made it back to the hotel you were staying at. While he went to the restroom, you had called Nate telling him where you were staying at. "The guys are on their way" you said as he walked out of the bathroom.
He just nodded, wrapping his arms around you. "I love you" he said softly into your neck.
"I love you more" you said closing your eyes as you rested your head onto his chest.
"Never" he argued before placing gentle kisses along your neck. After you both sat around the kitchen having small talk for a good fifteen minutes, you both heard a knock at the door. You felt your palms get sweaty, this is the first time you will have seen them since your doctor told you you had cancer.

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