Jack J Imagine **Requested**

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Your POV
I smiled at the two young boys infront of me.
"Myles, Ryan how come your father is never home", I asked sighing. Realizing I was talking to myself more the two boys in front of me.

I turned the tv on switching channels until I landed on Mickey Mouse.
Both Ryan and Myles cheered in happiness. I smiled then went into the kitchen to start dinner. I finished dinner and set the plates on the table, I looked at the spot where Jack normally sits. I grabbed a plate and put it there just in case he did come home.
I picked up both the boys and put them in their chairs. We sat in silence besides the short giggles escaping the boys mouths.
I smiled at them until I heard the door open.
Jack walked right past us to the bedroom. I sighed he is so distant lately. I got up from sitting with the boys while they ate.

"Jack what's wrong? You're being kinda distant lately", I sighed.
"Nothing's wrong okay?!", he yelled slamming his hands against the desk.
I jumped back,"I was just asking".
"If you weren't such a needy bitch then you would leave me the hell alone", he hissed.
I felt tears pool at my eyes,"you're such an asshole".
I walked out of our room into the kitchen.
"What did you say to me!?", Jack turned me to look at him. His eyes were a darker shade of blue. His face looked slightly red. The boys were watching us intently.

"I said you're such an asshole", I looked down then something so unexpectant happened. My cheek had a horrible stinging sensation. I grabbed ahold of my cheek as he just stood there staring at his hand. I looked at Jack as I ran to our bedroom.
I went into the bathroom our bedroom is connected too, my cheek was slightly red with a hand print.
I heard Myles and Ryan crying so I wiped my tears and went to them.

I walked into the dining room to see Jack trying to talk to them but the boys kept crying. Ryan stopped crying when he saw me but Myles still was.
I walked past Jack and picked up Ryan and Myles.

I looked at him for a split second before bringing the boys to the living room. I set them down as they cuddled into both of my hips.
They wouldn't let go no matter what. I looked up from the ground to see Jack just staring at us his eyes filled with tears.

I know I shouldn't do this but tears continuously fell down his cheeks. I got up walking over to him. I wiped the tears off his cheeks and gave him a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered in my hair.
"It's okay Jack", I rubbed circles on his forearm.
"No it's not, both my sons are afraid of me", he started crying again.
"Ryan, Myles come here", I cooed.
They came immediately and hugged mine and Jack's legs together.
"See", I giggled.
"I love you guys and I promise I will never do that again!", he smiled pulling us in for a tighter hug.
The rest of the night we cuddled and watched movies as a family.

ghina_jr11 I hope you liked the imagine!
Okay guys, I thought about it and the next preference/imagine I will post a picture of myself☺️🙈
Also would you guys want to do a Q&A?😋

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