Thunder and Lightening Storms

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You are actually pretty scared of storms. So Sam always cuddles you saying he'll protect you.

I shot up from mine and Sam's bed as I heard the loud rumble.
I sighed in relief as I sat back down on the bed until I heard a loud boom of thunder and a bolt of lightning, causing me to scream.

"Hey baby girl, its okay. I'm right here nothings going to happen to you", Sam's raspy voice spoke calmly.
He pulled me back so I was laying directly on his chest.
His one arm wrapped around my waist securely the other drawing patterns on my arms trying to relax me.
Eventually I fell asleep hearing Sam whisper,"I'm never going to let anything bad happen to you, ever".

You are absolutely terrified you are going to get struck by lightning. But your boyfriend Nate and best friend Swazz make you laugh all the time getting your mind off it.

I screamed as I latched onto Nate's side holding him tightly hiding my face in his shirt.
Swazz laughed at me as I cringed when I saw the lightning pour through our windows.
"Hey it's okay how about we cuddle, huh? I won't let the lightning get you", Nate assured me.

"What about me!?", Swazz asked as if he was hurt.
"Sorry dude, I don't think you'd be comftorable nor would you fit on my lap", Nate smirked.
"Thanks for the amazing picture", Swazz groaned.
"No problem dude, now as I was saying lets go lil ma", Nate smiled pulling me up to our bedroom to cuddle.

Jack J-
You aren't afraid of lightning or thunder but sometimes you get a little jumpy so Johnson comforts you.

I was in the middle of watching Teen Wolf when the power went off.
"Dammit", I groaned.
Then the sound of thunder filled the air as I sat there on the couch holding my legs to my chest.

"Don't take a shower when there's a storm never take a shower if you know for a fact that the powers going to go out because I'm fricken freezing!", Jack chuckled.
I playfully rolled my eyes then got up until thunder filled the room once again. The house shook lightly causing me to fall ontop of Jack.
He smiled and picked me up bridal style as he sat me on the couch with himself right beside me. My head rested in the crook of his neck as he rubbed my back.

"Let's watch a movie on the laptop", Jack smiled.
I got up grabbing a few different movies one of them being my favourite,'The Help'.
I gave it to Jack and he put it in we cuddled as we watched the movie.

Jack G-
You aren't the biggest fan of thunder and lightning you had a bad experience with it when you were younger.

I screamed as I shot off the couch, thunder and lightning scared me very bad.

"Okay hunny you can go play on the tree just make sure you come back soon its supposed to storm", my mom smiled shooing me off.

I smiled as I ran to the tree climbing it till I was half way there when I needed a break to breathe.
Out of nowhere thunder and lightning started, I tried to get down from the tree but I couldn't my shoe lace was stuck.

I looked up to the lightning hit the tree branch I screamed,"No, no, no, no!".
But it was too late the tree caught on fire and my shoe was stuck.

I quickly ripped off my shoe as fast as I could then jumped down it was high but, I needed to so I won't die. I ran back home fast and my eyes were probably really puffy by now.

" Hey hunny whats wrong?", my mom's expression changed quickly.
"The tree I was climbing, it, it caught on f-f-fire while I was still on it", I cried as my mom brought me into her arms.

"Hey it's okay, I'm going to call the Fire Department", she let go of me.

End of Flashback

"Y/N?", Jack asked.
I couldn't hold it in any more. I started bawling my eyes out.
"Hey baby it's okay what's wrong?", I looked at him and tears fell continuously.
"Oh baby girl. I promise I won't let anything get to you, I promise you'll be safe", he smiled kissing my temple laying me back down making me be literally on top of him.
My head and arms on his chest and our legs tangled.
"I love you", I whispered giving Jack a kiss.
He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist,"I love you more".

Hey guys, what's up?
There was this huge thunder and lightning storm last night so I got this idea! I hope you guys like it.

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