Chapter 2: Together forever?

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Shaundra's P.O.V

I woke up this morning again to my phone buzzing and ringing...
Dumb Aaliyah can't wait until we go to school. Which is one reason I don't know why were friends with her. She's so different from Tyrone, DeShawn,
and me. She's nice and came from a beautiful family, while me Tyrone and DeShaun come from a family with drugs killings and everything.

I read the messages and they all say
Shuandra wake up!!!
Shuandra why aren't you answering?

So I answer
Listen next time you text me at 5:40 in the damn morning I'm going to stab you : ) gm Aaliyah

I can tell she was terrified through the phone... She answered back

Gm my dear dear beloved friend (WTF IS BELOVED) I just wanted to see if you alive that's all... Meet you at school?? : )

I couldn't stop laughing so I just said "ok bye"
---------------later at school------------

I start to walk to school and of course Aaliyah is there already talking to the most ugliest boys I've ever seen, soo I walk up to them and say "Go" as if they're dogs barking and surrounding the area. First they look at me as If they think I'm playing a game. Then I move my hand in a kind of " go away" motion. So after that they leave and
Aaliyah is confused asking me why would I do such a thing. I look her dead in the eyes and tell her to never talk to boys that  don't have interesting faces and we just laugh and continue to walk to class. This is the first time in weeks that I didn't skip class.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

I have had the best day... I was talking to my tutor friend that my best friend Shuandra think is.. Well.. Uh hideous. I was talking to him and his friends when she came and started to treat them like dogs telling them to "go" with the weirdest hand motion thing. I was so confused. Then she told me "To never talk to boys that don't have interesting faces" I thought his face was interesting (I think?) but if I wanted to stay alive I stated shut and just laughed with her and we continued to walk to class. I was kind of happy because she didn't want to skip class today. I had a feeling that today was going to be a normal day, at least for me.

So after school me and Shuandra went to go and meet up with DeShawn and Tyrone but I don't know what they're about to do but I sure know that it's going to be illegal for the most part.

Tyrone's P.O.V
Today me and my homie DeShawn are going to meet up with our friends Aaliyah and Shuandra, I have asked Shuandra--- not Aaliyah because she's to weakminded.. I think---- to come so we can maybe have a little party at the junkyard. But Shuandra now told me, a little to late that she doesn't take drugs as in cocaine or meth any more because her mom gives her a weekly drug test now.... Which is stupid because that means that her and her mom don't really have a trusty relationship...
So instead of taking drugs we went on a trip to lower Barrytown were I heard there is shootings almost everyday... I want to experience a shooting again because the first one was more of a first person point of view. 😁

Shuandra P.O.V

So me and Tyrone was walking in lower Barrytown when we realized that DeShawn and Aaliyah weren't here so we went back, which meant no shootings that day. So when we arrived at the block we noticed that Aaliyah's and DeShawn were making out on the stairs of MY HOUSE... They're together???
Idk what to say to that.

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