Chapter 5: Confused

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Tyrones P.O.V

WTF did I see days ago. I'm still thinking about Aaliyah and DeShawn. I just felt betrayed by my best friend. Shawn knew that I liked Aaliyah a lot but I think he got confused with Shaundra cuz I also like her but not as much as Aaliyah cause Aaliyah is beautiful and cool but Shaundra is my type and funny.. I just can't.

So I decided to text Shawn so he can explain this crap..

"Yo ma boi why tf did I see you make out with Aaliyah on Shaundras steps"

"Because ma boi she's MA GIRL."

------they're dating-------

"Does Shuandra know about this girlfriend thing."

"I think everyone knows about this stupid"

Did this NIGGA just call me stupid.

"Bruh did u just call me stupid"

"Listen I have to tell u something... Even though I shouldn't tell u this over text I'm going to tell you anyways"

Wtf is he going to say what's worse then dating Aaliyah?

"What's up?"

"Shaundra's my little sister..."

WTF !!!! I'm crazy right now I don't now why I feel this way. I think ma boi is trying to play me but its alright I'll show him.

-----5 minutes passed..-----

"Hello??? Ty?"

"U telling me that Shuandra is your little sister. Which means your her brother and she's your sister and has your blood."

"Yes :/... I'm so sorry Ty that I didn't tell you"

"It's fine ma boi tLk to u later."

I'm so confused.... Shaundra, my shooting buddy is his sister. But I better accept it, it's not like anybody's I'm jail or shot so I'm good.

----------days later-----------

Aaliyah P.O.V
Finally I'm done keeping secrets and apparently so is DeShawn and Shaundra.

Me and Shawn had a conversation that really helped us clear out everything.

"Hey Shawn"

"Hey baby ;*"

"So the other day u just  left the conversation like nothing... Why"

"Cause it's true babe... Me and Shaundra are siblings, but I didn't want to tell u cuz after all these years we were to afraid to tell you and Ty... U don't understand how sorry I am baby forgive me please."

Did he say forgive me... Why would I forgive him if he lied to me for 16 years. I can't accept that.

"It's ok babe but I can't forgive you."


"I can't forgive u cause it's been 16 years and you couldn't tell me because you were 'afraid' I'm sorry Shawn but I can't forgive you... I don't even want to trust you any more, but I still want to be with you!"

" I rather have you trust me tho Aaliyah. Are you seriously mad because of this."


"Aaliyah if you were in mine and Shaundras shoes you'll understand why we couldn't tell you."

"Do you want to do this right now Shawn?"

"Yes Aaliyah... I do"

" I don't."

"What are you saying A."

"I don't know. can we speak later please??"

"Bye A.. Love you"

"Bye DeShawn"

Okay... I didn't say a pleasing conversation. Now it's clear that my boyfriend and my best friend are siblings and they didn't tell me.

DeShawn P.O.V.

...  "Bye A.. Love you"
       "Bye DeShawn"

Why didn't she say I love you back. I knew that this would be hard on Aaliyah but not so hard that she can't say love you back. I don't want to live in a world where Shaundra and Aaliyah don't speak or Aaliyah doesn't speak to me. I just want everything to be normal, but I'm so sure that normal isn't going to happen unless Aaliyah can accept this and I'm going to do what ever I can so that Aaliyah is good with this cause I love Aaliyah more than anything she's my everything.

----------NEXT DAY------------

This week was interesting. But this  day is going to change that and I'm going to get my Aaliyah back no matter what it takes.

I meet up with Tyrone and he seems cool, like nothing happened. I texted Shaundra, but she's trying to meet up with Aaliyah. Me and Tyrone started to walk talking about cars and his breakfast, like every other morning, it's clear that he isn't that bright...Then I see Aaliyah but I don't see Shaundra. I see Aaliyah looking at her phone but doesn't answer her text. I hesitate to say hi but Tyrone pulls me to the side and says "Aaliyah just met up with..." There's a silence I thought it was Shaundra but it was the nerd that Aaliyah always says is so cool but Shaundra says has "an uninteresting face". Ty says "let's just go the other way." Then I push Ty and see Aaliyah and the nerd kissing? I call Aaliyah and she pulls away saying "Go. go. Go" to the nerd because she knew something was about to happen. I run to the nerd as fast as I can when Aaliyah comes after me telling me to stop. I stop and think no this isn't happening. Then she says "Shawn what tf are you doing?" 
"What tf I'm doing. What tf are you doing A?"

She says that the nerd leaned in. I looked at her then looked in his direction and said "Why Aaliyah?" She says " No Shawn. Don't say that to me. I don't want us to have this conversation right here right now. Okay?"
I knew that she was angry and so was I, so I said okay and gave her a kiss and a hug combo and I walked her to school and the whole time we couldn't let go of each other. You can tell that we were truly in love.

The best part about that was that me and Aaliyah talked and she realized that being mad was wrong, so  she said sorry to Shaundra and we all got over it, but little did we know that outside all that drama we stepped into something bad.

Authors note💍:
Hay guys this chapter was full of drama and love.. I ship Aaliyah and DeShawn tbh...but don't stop reading, the story is just now starting to get interesting.😭😭
What's the thing that's so bad? Why is he so worried? Is there more drama?

         ~xoxo Nai and Nina Smiles
      The Smiles Sisters💍👯

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