Chapter 3: LiEs

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Lies, Lies, Lies, nothing new in Barrytown. I'm talking about Aaliyah and DeShawn. Shaundra is trying to find out what's happening. She is going to find out no matter what it takes.

Aaliyah's P.O.V. :

One of my bestfriend became my boyfriend, it happened, yeah, it happen, we made out, on Shaundra's front stair. All what was running through my head was "What if Shaundra or Tyrone found us doing this??" I was so into making out with DeShawn, I was at point that I forgot about Tyrone or Shaundra walking in. I also doubted they were coming because they were getting ready for the gun shooting. 15 minutes past by, DeShawn and I were still making out. I saw a face that I doubted i would see. It was Shaundra and Tyrone. DeShawn and I were nervous, you could tell by our faces. I didn't know how to explain. I had told Shaundra that had someone in mind from the gang Tyrone and DeShawn were in, The Diablos. Shaundra always caught me staring at one the gang member, but what she didn't know I was actually staring at DeShawn. Shaundra looked like she was betrayed. I pulled Shaundra out from the embrassment. I said "You have to let me explain". Shaundra said "Haven't you told me enough... Bye Aaliyah" One of my bestfriends is gone. I'm tired of this shit. I'm gonna need a blow...

Shuandra P.O.V

I knew it, I just knew it. Aaliyah and DeShawn. Why the hell would she do this, with my brother. I know she doesn't know that, but I was going to tell her until I saw her making out with him. I'm just surprised why he didn't tell her he just stared at me and made that "be quiet" face we made as kids. The only reason why they didn't know, was because my father decided that he wanted to split us up and change our last names which is crazy. So I stayed with my mom and her last name and he stayed with dad and his last name. I guess Instead of running away from my best friend I guess I should've explained why I was so mad, so mad 'cuz I'm his sister....

I'm just going to apologize now.

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