Queen: Ghostly Stare

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Dear Diary,

Something very strange happened today.

This morning, I woke up. I had to shake Fab awake; she's such a deep sleeper! "Is your elbow okay?" I asked her. She grimaced and shrugged her shoulders. I pushed off the blanket. "Praise the Alphas, Fab, I'm glad we're actually waking up!" I jumped of the couch and stretched. Then I helped Fab down and supported her as she limped weakly downstairs. She managed to make it to the living room before she flopped down, exhausted. "I'm going to go hunting, Fab. You stay here."
"No, I wanna help!" She struggled, panting to her feet, stood for a moment, then slipped and fell. "Fine." Annoyance had painted her face. I picked her up and dumped her on the sofa. "Be quick." She said, looking nervous. "I will." I said back. I couldn't let her lose me. She had to survive.

I was at the Saperia Forest. I felt a wave of emotion, memories from last time I was there flooding my mind, so strong that I fell on the muddy grass. My heart was being torn apart, Fab could be dead, what if she was? What if she was suffering a long, slow death? Would I find her with a sword in her stomach, or an arrow in her eye........ or both? The terror and the horror, shock and stress, anger and heartbreak.....

"Are you, um, alright?" My head shot up, the memories dying. I expected to see a member, but to my horror and surprise, it was a non! I scrambled to my feet, bow poised for action, teeth bared, but the non lifted up his hands. I raised an eyebrow. After a second's hesitation, he also tossed down his pirate sword. "Come on," he prompted. I sighed and pulled my bow from around my neck. The non smiled. He had very white, even fangs, although they wern't very sharp. His fur was swirled with black and white, slightly ruffled and ragged but decently clean. I glared right into his bright blue eyes and he stared back, almost challenging me to break eye contact. For a couple of minutes we just stood there, sizing each other up, and I could tell he'd done it before. Sceptically he scanned, almost admired, my long limbs, high posture and claws. Deciding if who'd come of best in a fight. After a while, we realised neither of us were going to attack, and relaxed a little bit. It was him who shifted down his bright blue gaze first, I mirrored him with my eyes of green. "Well, um, I'm not here to attack you," the boy said softly. "I just want to.... uh.... well.... apologise." I raised my eyebrow again. "For what?" I spoke up for the first time, wary and careful. "For your sister." He managed to get out. I was confused, but kept my cool. "Sister? I've got no sister. You've got the wrong wolf." I finished aggressively.
"Well, your friend then. The one you were calling yesterday." I felt myself freeze. He heard me calling? "Her name was Fabulous Desertlily." He finished.

"She's my best friend, not my sister," I flared angrily, though it wasn't his fault. "And I'd like to know why you took everything out on her. Her arm was smashed! Her den was ruins! Her clothes were tattered! That was you and your filthy friends!" I was in full swing now. "Please, no, it wasn't my fau-"
"Don't you understand? She was half dead! Everything was gone!" I shrieked, grabbing my bow. He snatched up the sword, and then I noticed it was strangely familiar.  "That was her sword!" I gasped. Fab had spent months working to get it. She'd eventually got one, and traded a rare purple beard, beta gecko and rare head flower. And now it had been stolen by that filthy non member!

That was it. That was it! I pulled an arrow free from my sheath and fired. It hit the boy in the leg and it began to bleed. He looked at it, horrified, for a second. Then, slowly, he reached for his sword. Too slow. I had already loaded my second arrow.

The arrow hit him in the side of his face. More blood gushed and he whimpered. "I promised Fab a meal," I hissed. "I hope she enjoys fresh wolf!" Wincing, the boy shook his head. "I don't want to fight you!"
"Good!" I yelled, sending another arrow flying. Missed. On and on I fired, hitting thrice more on his front legs, until I only had one arrow left. "Still don't want to fight?"
He groaned in pain. But I was too mad to care. I fired.

It hit him in the neck and blood spurted out. I was horrified. I didn't really mean to kill him! I threw down my bow and sprinting towards him. He was gasping and writhing. I'd ruptured a major vein. He wouldn't live long. "Help!" I yelled. "Help!" The boy opened his mouth and tried to speak, but blood gushed out of his mouth and nostrils. His eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted. Panicking, I called for help once more, but none came. I picked him up by the scruff of his neck and, leaving a gruesome trail of blood behind us, dragged him as fast as I possibly could out of Saperia. I dragged until every scrap of my strength was gone, and I was in the middle of Jamaa Township. It was empty of life and the buildings pure rubble. Well, almost empty.

Bodies. Suddenly I realised I was surrounded by bodies. Arctic wolves slumped in corners, blood trickling from their mouths, deep wounds in their limbs. A heap of foxes, each with an arrow stuck in their eyes. A koala, eyes gaunt and empty. A panda, neck dangling and broken. A snow leopard, crushed by a falling brick. All dead. All gone. Then I felt liquid on my foot. Slowly, I looked down.

A bunny. Almost a newborn. I was stepping on its paw. But it didn't mind. It was dead. A spear stuck straight through it's throat. Sickened, I grabbed the boy, who was still pulsing blood, and ran for my life. I felt almost as if the corpses were going to get up and run after me.

I can't write anymore. It's too horrible.....

And I can still feel their ghostly stare.



Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and support I've been getting on this book! I actually thought I'd end up deleting it. I won't anymore, so don't worry.

The official ship name for InfinityXQueen (if he lives... OuO) will be Infiniqueen!

Will the ship sink?

Keep up the feedback!


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