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Death is a horrible thing. Losing someone is the worst possible thing in the world. The worst feeling in the world. You couldn't save them no matter how hard you wish you could.

She was born May 18th, 1995. Her name was Grace Harken. She was riding her bike this morning. The morning of Wednesday, July 29th, 2015. She was riding her bike and she was hit by a car. She was only 20 years old! Why was she taken so young! She was a bright young woman! Always had a smile on her face. She loved the Lord with all her heart and soul. God just wanted her home.

I only knew her for a few weeks, but we became a family. We were sisters. I have been bawling my eyes out since I got the news. She was such an amazing person. She had a big heart. She will be missed very very much. I will remember the days we spent together. The night we all hung out by the fire before we all left Peru. The way she made us all laugh. The way she was so sweet. The way she was so strong. Through everything she told us about herself, she was strong. She was a very brave person.

She was so beautiful. I can't help but to think, what would she be doing right now if she hadn't been riding her bike this morning. If she had just slept in. What would she being doing right now?  Would i have ever seen her again? Would we have talked again? 

Why didn't i talk to her more?!  I should have messaged her more. Snap chatted her more. Texted her more! WHY DIDN'T I TRY HARDER!!!???  

To Grace Harken:

I'm sorry we didn't talk more. You are an amazing woman. I hope that one day i can be as close to God, as funny, as big-hearted, and as amazing as you are. I hope that you are with the Lord right now, celebrating! We will be down here mourning and celebrating. We wish we had more time with you, but the Lord needs you more. I will see you again some day.  

Your TEAM 7 PERU FAMILY miss you. We are mourning with your family. As I type this I'm am holding back tears. I have cried so much I now have a bad headache. I know we didn't know each other long, but you are a part of my heart. You are apart of my family. 

                                                                        Love Forever And Always,


If you have lost someone. I'm sorry for that loss. I know how hard it is. I have lost many many many people in my life. I know the pain you are feeling. It is NOT fun what so ever. Stay strong.  I know it's hard, but they are in a better place. They aren't hurting anymore. They are at peace. Stay strong. 

                                                                      Rest In Peace Grace Harken!

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