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Mirabella POV

   I took my bottom lip not so sure how to feel. My eyes raked up my new body an uneasy feeling finding it's way to my stomach. My hair was no longer a bundle of dyed red curls but now dyed back to my original light blonde color and straightened to a T. The tank top that was newly bought exposed part of my chest making me feel more than uncomfortable. But what made me even more uncomfortable was the shorts. They were a little too short, in my opinion.

"Oh my god!" I heard a familiar gasp from the door. "Bella? Is that you?" I turned to see my wide-eyed friends, Chloé and Niall.

"God, babe, you're smoking hot, now!" Niall said looking me up and down. I shook my head and turned back to the mirror examining the new me.

"I'm not so sure." I said falling back on my bed. Chloé sat beside me on the bed and started playing my hair.

"Oh, come on! You look like Sharpay, except you look even more fabulous." I smiled at her attempt and moved her hands away from my hair.

"Um, no offense but no one's more fabulous than Sharpay." Niall spoke from the spinning chair as he stopped and looked at me. I saw Chloé send him a glare than throw one of  my pillows at him.

"No," I yelled restraining a laugh at my next words. "I don't want to get ugly in my pillow." Chloé burst out laughing and Niall gave me the seriously bitch? face. I couldn't help but laugh even more.

"It's already covered, you sleep on it." I gasped, fake hurt by his comeback and Chloé burst into laughter again.

"Ha ha," I replied sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. "Well, not anymore. I'm a new me." I stood up staring at my reflection once again. This time I felt a little better.

"No," Chloé stood beside me placing her hands on my shoulders, "you are the same you. You just...look a little different."

"Plus," Niall added while standing, "you're still rich. That's pretty cool." I rolled my eyes and turned back to him. "Well, let's go get some food. I didn't eat lunch today and I'm starved."

"Ooh, me, too!" Chloé followed him out the door and I sighed.

"Okay," I spoke aloud to myself, "this is it. You are the same you just...different." I sat back on the bed, sprawling out all over it. New look me means I have to act different, too. I have to fit the look, act how I look I should.

"You coming?" I heard Niall at the door. I nodded. "Hurry up, I heard that that guy that left two years ago is back and hotter than ever." I quirked an eyebrow.

"You mean Zayn?" He nodded excitedly, ran in, and pulled me off of the bed and out the door.


We pulled into the parking lot of our favorite pizza place, Antonio's  Pizza Place. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened my car door.

"Wait," Niall half-shouted urgently. Chloé and I both looked back in the car.

"Did you forget something?" Chloé asked and Niall shook his head.

"D-do I look okay?" He asked and I chuckled. I sat back in the passenger side and watched him lean in so I could get a good look at his face.

"I haven't seen you this nervous for a guy in a long time." I said while wiping a dark smudge from his cheek. He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"You act like I haven't had a crush on Zayn since 9th grade!"  I nodded and got out of the car. Niall followed after.

"It's not like he's gay, he has a girlfriend, remember?" Chloé said snapping us all back to reality. I shot her a glare for the look on Niall's face.

"Let the boy dream," I said wrapping my arms around him from the side attempting to give him a hug.

"Oh, I don't dream, I fantasize." I pulled away groaning at the dazed look on his face. I shook my head as if I was judging. Niall chuckled and Chloé rolled her eyes in a jokingly manner.

Once we were inside, I looked for an open booth. There was one in the back so I motioned for Niall and Chloé to follow. Chloé got her own side of the booth and Niall and I pulled into the other one. Chloé whipped out her phone and began to viciously type away. I looked over at Niall for entertainment.

As if on cue, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

"Oh my god," he mumbled out.

"What?" I asked wanting to know what had got him in such a daze. He then gripped my jaw with my hand and moved it so the my gaze was where his was. "Oh my god." I mumbled as well. There he was, Zayn Malik. Hot as hell.

"Oh my god, oh my god, " Niall chanted while gripping my arm causing me to snap out of my trance. "He's coming over here, what do I do?" He demanded so much answers that I froze. Suddenly, Niall froze and looked up, as well as Chloé.

"Hey, guys, long time no see." The familiar voice said. I looked over to see the dazzling smile that had now put us all in a trance.

"Uh, yeah," Chloé said with a nervous smile. Zayn's eyes traveled from the other two, to me. I smiled sweetly but raised an eyebrow as I saw the confused look on his face.

"And who's this?" He asked. I almost gasped but swallowed it and put on a sweet smile.

"It's me, Bella? You don't rememb-"

"Oh, Bella! Wow, you sure look different." He cut me off and I nodded.

"Yeah, so how's Perrie?" I questioned his relationship ignoring the pain I had just caused Niall. Zayn's face contorted into some sort of feeling I couldn't describe.

"You mean, you haven't heard?" The three of us exchanged confused glances making sure none of knew what he was talking about

"Heard about what?" We all asked in unison. He glanced down at his shoes nervously than back up at us.

"I'm gay."

"You're gay?" I gasped.

"He's gay?" Chloé sounded equally suprised.

"Thank the Lord God almighty!" We all stared at Niall, "I mean, I knew you were too hot!" Niall's cheeks turned crimson. "I mean, that's cool, bro." We all sat in silence, taking in what we just heard from both Zayn and Niall.

"Three waters and one medium pepperoni." Chloé ordered trying to seize us all of the awkward silence. Zayn slowly nodded then walked away.

"I can't believe I just did that!" Niall groaned once Zayn was out of ear shot.

"At least, you have a chance now."


Guess who's coming in the next chapter!!

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