Have you ever thought you could lose someone dearly, but then think wait what if it is I they have lost dearly.

Well it had happened. I'm gone. Well not completely gone.

I bet your wondering how I ended up in this position. Well that will come later in the story so I guess you will just have to find out then.


I sit in my room thinking of what I should study for. Next week were exams and I needed to get my average of A's and B's under control. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and then a knock on my door.

"Come in." I know it's my sister Millie wanting a designated younger sister to take her to the party. My parents knew they couldn't keep their older children away from a little bit of alcohol, so they didn't bother to care unless my siblings were at a point where they stay in bed all day the next day. But knowing the dangers of drunk driving everyone made me the designated driver for everyone so they wouldn't try to drive home.

"Oh my favorite sister in the world! How are you?" She exclaims. What did I tell you? I know her like the back of my hand.

"I'm your only sister Mil." I sigh. "Yes I'll take you to your party tonight. On one exception, you do my chores for a week."

"Done deal Cay!" It was so easy for her to say now just to get what she wants. She struts out of the room, every other step she hops on her soles of her feet. I guess studying will have to wait after I take her. I glide down the stairs putting my Birkenstocks on and grab my keys.

"Mom, I'm taking Mil!" I call from the front door.

"Okay come home safe Caycay!" My mom yells, she's staring at the TV in the living room watching Big Brother. "Don't worry I taped it for you! You're going to love this one!"

I walk out the front door smiling knowing my favorite house guest from the show was going to win it all. I perk up when I hear a text tone knowing it's either my boyfriend Parker, or my best friend Kendell. Two texts were in my notifications.

Hey, study "date" tomorrow? Really need the parents to get off my back- Ken

Hey babe, wanna go out tonight after practice?- Parker

I text both of them back saying yes. If you were confused by the quotations in date, I'll explain. See when I was in fourth grade I was bullied a lot. That's when Kendell arrived to save the day, sticking up for me and letting everyone know HE was in charge. Yes my best friend is a guy. Everyone gets used to it.

"Hurry up Cay! I don't want to be late for this party!" Millie cries as she gets into the passenger side. I sigh, I don't know why I agreed to do this for my older siblings.

"Don't rush your only designated driver." I smirked, knowing that I can do whatever I wanted. "You know you can get a ride there, so I don't have to do this." I reply. Yes I just played that card.

She rolled her eyes knowing that she couldn't talk back to me. I open the door to my Honda Accord. I hurried her to her party wanting to have time to get ready for my date with Parker. I get home rushing inside the house knowing his practice is ending soon.


"Honey what's the rush?" My mom calls from the kitchen.

" Parker asked me on a date." I call. I hear her sigh. She hasn't trusted Parker lately like she knew he had a secret to hide from me. I knew Parker wasn't like that, he would never do that to me.

Getting dressed for my date and putting a straightener through my hair, I hear a knock on the door. I rush down the stairs thinking that Parker had finally showed up. I open the door to Kendell.

" Hey can I use your bathroom, cay?" He says walking into the living room , knowing that he's more than welcome at my house.

"Why ask now, when you never have before?" I question. He just smirks over his shoulder while turning the corner to the bathroom.

"Why not date Kendell." I jumped turning to see my mom in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Because he's my best friend and that's what we're meant to be." My mother had always wanted me to date Kendell. Ever since I had started liking boys, she thought it would be cute for us to date. I've liked Kendell a few times but not knowing his true feeling then, I gave up.

" You know he likes you Caylee. His mother told me a couple of days ago." My mom remarks. I just turn around and roll my eyes. This battle had only happened a few times but I just blow it away. I can't date Kendell when i'm with Parker.

The doorbell rings, making me snap out of my thoughts. "That must be Parker now." My mom steps in front of me.

"Just think about it Cay." She glances toward Kendell who just walked out of the bathroom.

"We'll see mom." I call from the door. "Bye Kendell see you tomorrow!"


"You look so beautiful tonight. As you do everyday though." Parker gives me the look over, making my cheeks flame up with heat. I look away not wanting him to see me blushing the color of a baboons butt. "Come on Caylee, I love it when you blush." He reaches over and grabs my had and intertwines our fingers.

I look up to meet his smiling face. Almost mimicking him, I smile back. Parker was the star soccer player at our school and was best friends with both my brothers. Even though they don't play soccer, only football, they have been friends since I can even remember.

We sat in silence for a few moments while the waiter comes and hands us the bill. Parker immediately grabs the check, I've given up on trying to pay for the meal. Parker pays for it in cash with exact change that way we don't have to wait. We walk out to his car. He opens my door waiting for me to get in and closes it when I do. He rushes around the car to his own side and gets in to start the car.

"Thank you for tonight Parker, I had fun like I always do." I turn and look at my handsome boyfriend. He was muscular, enough so you can see through his t-shirts sometimes. His blue eyes complimented his dark strawberry-blonde hair. I was lucky when I got this one.

"Always a pleasure babe." He turned his head for just a split second, but when he heard a honk he turned his head back. He slammed hard on his breaks coming to close stop to the car in front. That was a close one.

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