2: souls

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Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
- Thomas Carlyle

Chapter 2: souls

September 15th, 7pm
Death began to prepare for his encounter with Earth and the humans. He had to adjust his actions and thoughts to the way they done stuff, in order to keep his disguise concealed. He had to camouflage himself within the humans so nothing was seen suspicious.

However, Death knew this wasn't going to be easy. He had to be smart with everything he done: he didn't want to scare Tomata away and he also didn't want to irritate her, otherwise she wouldn't want his presence around her. He had to be gentle and nice - which was definitely not Death's character.

Honestly, Death didn't know what he got himself into. He didn't think he would last a day on earth, mingling with humans. But every time he was feeling antagonistic towards the idea, he reminded himself that this was for his job to motivate himself.

Death grew to love his job and to hear it could be seized infuriated him - a lot. His job helped discover the darkness living deep inside of him. His job was everything to him. Death definitely wasn't going to lose his job without a fight!

Death snapped his fingers and automatically transformed into a charming 19 year old male, who's soul he took yesterday. Death suddenly remembered the devouring taste of the young male's soul in his mouth and licked his lips as if he had just eaten. It was clear, Death was one of the most brutal things to exist.

Death snapped his fingers and appeared a mirror hung right in front of him. He seemed satisfied with his new appearance. For once, he looked attractive. Death couldn't help but smile inside, though he had a cold face on the outside.

Death now had blonde hair, combed to the left. He had clear, blue eyes that could have symbolised the ocean; he had pink, luscious lips. He wore a tux suit with black, church shoes. Death was now a handsome 19 year old, named Luis.

As a cocky movement, Death wiped imaginary dust of his shoulders. Death seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much. Was he already distracted, just by his mere appearance alone?

This was the first in thousands of year, Death felt human. But that didn't turn his mindset off his mission - Tomata. Even though he was dressed as a human, he was still Death underneath. He would never be human, which Death knew.

Death never wanted to be human but wanted to have feelings - or at least know how it felt to experience things. He was tired of being cold and heartless. Maybe this could be a little experiment of his.

Snapping his fingers, Death finally found himself on earth. He had never visited earth, he was always stuck in the clouds he called home. However, he did hear many rumours about earth. He heard it's an awful place. So bad, it was worse than hell; which Death found surprising because he knew hell was an terrible place to be, not that he went there.

The chilly breeze of London permeated through his pores as Death took in his surroundings. Earth was a beautiful site, Death himself couldn't deny. He noticed a couple of female humans drunkly walking past, yelling out something to do with 'selfie' and posing in front a camera with their lips puckered. Death was definitely repulsed and reminded himself this was one of the very reasons he hated humans.

"Annoying," Death whispered, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

He stalked past the bothersome group of females but much to his dismay, he failed to be not troubled. One of the females, who looked like a messy alcoholic, grabbed hold of Death's shoulder, spinning him around to look at her face to face. Without a warning, she smacked her lips onto Death's. Death immediately shoved her off, scrutinising her actions. Obviously taking an offence, the drunken girl began to curse Death loudly and her friends joined in too.

Death quietly walked away, baffled by recent events. He knew he couldn't react bizarrely, he still had the mission to uphold. He didn't want to react and cause attention to himself.

Death couldn't help but touch his stinging lips. It was the first time he had been kissed. If she knew who he really was, the thought of kissing him would never even cross her mind. That made Death cringe a little, knowing how unpleasant he was.

Suddenly, an appetising smell tickled the tip of Death's nose. There was food about - and by food meant souls. Death realised the sad reality, he was surrounded by souls. However, he had to contain himself.

Scrunching his nose to avoid attacking a human, Death made his way to a neighbourhood he knew Tomata was in. He decided to make himself her next door neighbour, making it more easier to be in contact with her. Snapping his finger, he made it happen. He was now the new neighbour of Tomata Wood.

Settling in his house, he smelt the old scent of the souls that lived inside. He licked the air, desperate to taste the souls but he just tasted the particles of air. Disappointed, Death stomped his way upstairs and decided to explore the house.

He found a room, which he automatically decided he was sleeping in. It was nothing big. He just had a bed and a wardrobe in the corner, with a window. He also clocked this room was nearest to Tomata's and he could see through her window, when the binds were opened. At the moment, they were closed.

Death decided it was time to sleep, as he had to prepare his human body for tomorrow. Tomorrow, he was going to attempt to talk to Tomata. He was going to try and make a memorising impression.

He didn't know what to expect, honestly. He didn't know the personality she upheld nor did he even know how she looked. Death hoped that tomorrow would go as planned.

Picture of death as a human :)
Imagine him with blue eyes, though.

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