Blaine i need you......

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*Author note*        
Sorry for the long wait everybody!Feel free to correct me whenever, my first language is Hebrew not English so.... Credit to SmokingHotUnicorn and morlook12 for helping when I got stuck! Love ya!
Kurt POV
"Kurt where did you get this shirt from?! It is absolutely gorgeous!" Mercedes asked me as Rachel, Mercedes and I were walking down the hall.
"Thanks Merce, I made it myself!" I answered her looking at my shirt proudly.
"Seriously?! ? How?? You know what Never mind, there's no way I can pull that off" she said and I laughed.
"Of corse you can! You are fabulous!" Rachel said.
"awwww thank you Rach" Mercedes smiled. We got to my locker and I opened it.
"Hey kurt" I saw blaine walking pass us winking and smiling at me. I guess he knows my name from when the teacher called me..... He just can't get no for an answer can he?! I rolled my eyes. Mercedes and Rachel looked at each other mouths open.
"What. The heck. Was that?" Rachel and Mercedes said at the same time.
"Just some guy" I said.
"A vary handsome guy who seems to like you!!!!" Rachel said excited with a wide smile. "No, no Rachel he's an asshole I don't like him" I quickly said before they get the wrong impression. "Oh, well, that's a shame......" Mercedes' smile slowly faded. "Yeah. But it's okey! I'll find someone eventually, just....not him."


Blaine POV

I seriously couldn't imagine this day getting any better! I've successfully stole the stash of cigarets from Mr. Gavin's bag in the teachers room, finally found a nerd to do my homework in algebra and also threaten a kid to give me his lunch money, I can still taste the pizza in my mouth......mmm.

I can't get kurt out of my head! He is just So....... Hot! Yes! hot is the right word. I mean, the whole 'plays it hard to get' thing just turns me on!
I was looking at his ass the other day and was just mesmerized by how tight his pants were!
I mean....Just........How?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying the view vary vary much. I'm so frustrated on how am I going to get in this tight, tight pants.

Today there's math again, with kurt. I just can't wait to go there and stare at him for the whole lesson. I came to the classroom as soon as the bell rang and was happy to see kurt, as sexy as ever come inside after a minute and sit next to me.
"Hey gorgeous" I said in a flirty voice
"Ugh, just leave me alone" he said not even looking at me.

I decided not to flirt with him this time. He seemed sad about something so I guess it will be good if I'll leave him alone this time. So I stared at him for the rest of the lesson.  GOD, he's beautiful.

The lesson ended and I was just about to get out of class when the teacher stopped me.
"Blaine, I want to talk to you for a second" I rolled my eyes, sighed and turned around.
"You seemed kind of distracted. Is something wrong?" She asked. I simply just shrugged my shoulders.
"We'll then, stay here ten minutes and then you can go home." She said.
"Whatever....." I muttered and went back to my seat when I saw something shining on the floor next to the chair that was next to me. I looked over the chair and saw an iPhone 5 lying there all for me to take. I clicked on the ON button and saw a wallpaper of two girls standing next to a boy, it was kurt! I think I recognize them.... Aren't they those two nerds that are in glee club? Never mind. I opened the lock screen and an idea popped into my head.

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