Chapter 4

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After the nurse got the doctor to sign off on the discharge papers, I call DiNozzo to come and pick us up at the hospital. Genevieve hasn't spoken a word since we got her out of there. Since she shared with me her interesting reasons for fearing anything associated with hospitals. I wrap an arm around her shoulders. "You are being very quiet. Any particular reason?"

"I don't really like being out in the open. I was always warned against it, was told that someone would probably try to kidnap me." She looks at her hands and shivers at the breeze. I take off my jacket and drape it over her shoulders. She gives me a small smile. "Thank you, Gibbs."

"No problem kid." I look out at the parking lot and see a black windowless van parked across the street. I see a driver in the front seat that is watching us intently, but trying to be subtle about it. It is obvious that Genevieve hasn't noticed, so I don't bring it up. "Well, I promise you that we will find who did this to your parents, and to you, and we will make sure that they never hurt you again."

Before Genevieve can say anything Tony pulls up. I lead Genevieve to the back seat and open the door for her. I glance over at the black van and the driver starts the engine. I close her door and get in next to Tony. "We may have a tail." I whisper to him.

"Black van?"


"On it. She know?" I shake my head and he nods. He pulls out of the parking lot and starts to speed down the road. The van speeds after us. Tony glances back. "Boss, I've got a license plate." I grab a notepad and pen out of the glove box and nod. "BV6784. Virginia plates." Genevieve narrows her eyes and turns to see out of the back mirror. "Genevieve!"

Bullets rip through the back window and she screams. "Stay down!" I turn and try to shoot out of the broken window, but there are too may shots coming. "Tony, get us out of here!" Tony slams on the gas pedal and we shoot forward. After a few turns, we loose the van and pull over. I turn back around to look at Genevieve. She is hugging her knees to her chest with her head in between her knees. "Are you okay? Did you get hit?" I speak softly to try to calm her down.

"I knew it. I knew it. I knew this would happen. They won't ever stop looking for me, and they will find me wherever I go." Tony looks at me and then back at her. "No, I wasn't hit." I look at Tony.

"Get us back to NCIS." He nods and we drive off. I keep glancing back at Genevieve and I see the expression on her face. She doesn't think she is safe, and I don't blame her. 

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