Chapter 1

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Nutwhisker's POV:

Nutwhisker stared at Watersplash as the she cat writhed, her jaws parted in a silent wail. Her voice finally came, but it was contorted with pain. "M-my kits! They're coming!"

Nutwhisker's blood ran cold. But they aren't due for another half-moon! His heart racing, the brown tom rushed to the herb pile they had collected, rummaging hastily through its contents in search of the right herbs for Watersplash.

His paws fell upon the right herb. Raspberry leaves. Nutwhisker had collected them that day, thinking about Watersplash's kitting. Thank Starclan I got them today. He rushed back to the writhing she cat's side to see her heaving for breath already.

"Watersplash, calm down! You mustn't panic!" Nutwhisker licked the she cat's muzzle in hopes of calming her.

Watersplash let out a soft purr in response and croaked, "They're early."

"I know." Nutwhisker gently felt around Watersplash's belly with his paws, trying to work out how many kits there were. After feeling what seemed like four lumps, he whispered in a grave voice. "You have four kits."

"Starclan save me." Watersplash screwed her eyes shut and a small cry escaped her jaws as the contractions grew.

Shinewing positioned herself behind Watersplash, awaiting the arrival of the first kit. The medicine cat apprentice's golden eyes were stretched wide in horror.

Nutwhisker nudged the raspberry leaves near Watersplash's muzzle. "Eat these."

Watersplash groaned as she ate the herbs, "Now I know why Silverwing was so reluctant to eat these when I gave them to her. They're foul."

"But they help." Nutwhisker meowed to the grey medicine cat. His voice was drowned out by another screech from Watersplash. She was panting and her sides heaved as she pushed the first kit out.

Shinewing quickly nipped the sack and began ferociously licking the kit to get it breathing. Within a few heartbeats the kit was mewling loudly, his paws churning the air as Shinewing passed the kit to Nutwhisker. "A strong little tom. Congratulations Nutwhisker, you're now a father."

But I'm breaking the Medicine Cat Code... Nutwhisker kept his thoughts to himself and instead placed the tiny grey tom beside Watersplash's belly where he immediately began suckling. A loud purr rumbled in Nutwhisker's throat. This is my kit.

Nutwhisker studied the kit, his mind already coming up with names for the grey furred tom. Rainkit, Pebblekit and Featherkit were the three names that stood out to Nutwhisker. The little kit looked exactly like Watersplash.

"The next one's coming!" Shinewing's warning jerked Nutwhisker out of his mental name-picking. He looked across Watersplash's heaving sides to see Shinewing hold up the second kit. Another tom. This kit had short brown fur just like Nutwhisker's. A warm smile reached his lips as Nutwhisker took his second kit and set him down beside his brother.

Watersplash was beginning to tire. Her breathes were growing slower and deeper. Her unsheathed claws scraping against the soil and her teeth gritted in pain.

Nutwhisker leaned down to Watersplash's muzzle and whispered encouragingly. "Only a little longer."

"I don't know if I can last that long." Watersplash wheezed, eyes closing and re-opening rapidly.

"Yes you can." Nutwhisker meowed, not wanting to think about the grey she cat going to Starclan. "You will survive this."

Watersplash tried to answer but instead another cry erupted from her lips and she latched onto the closest thing to her; Nutwhisker. Her claws sank into Nutwhisker's foreleg and he yelped, tugging himself away from her.

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