Chapter 14

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Flamefur's POV:

"Flamefur please don't tell anyone!" Silvershy caught up with Flamefur as she stalked toward Stormstar's den. The silver she cat stared desperately at Flamefur. "I'll do it myself in my own time."

Flamefur growled. "You can't keep a secret like this! We must tell Stormstar immediately!"

"But he's busy! I saw him and Nutwhisker talking! Plus, he'll still be grieving for Rosegaze. Do you really want to give him more bad news?" Silvershy reasoned.

Flamefur rolled her eyes and padded into Stormstar's den without another word. But instead of entering the den, she bumped into Nutwhisker on his way out. A scowl was written on his face and he quickly darted around Flamefur, dashing back to his den with angry flicks of his tail.

"I wonder what ruffled his fur." Silvershy meowed, whiskers twitching.

"Whatever." Flamefur hissed and stalked into the dark den. She saw Stormstar in his nest, fur bristling and ears flattened. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. His tail lashed from side to side and a growl rumbled in his throat. Flamefur edged closer to her leader. "Stormstar may I speak with you?"

Stormstar tensed and looked up. His gaze searched Flamefur's and eventually he muttered. "What is it?" His voice made it clear he wasn't in the mood for nonsense.

Flamefur glanced behind her to see Silvershy had followed her in with a nervous look on her face. She turned back to Stormstar and meowed. "Silvershy has powers."

Stormstar pricked his ears and glanced at Silvershy. "Is what Flamefur saying true?"

"Yes." Silvershy whispered, her voice small.

"What are your powers, exactly?" Stormstar asked Silvershy.

Flamefur cut in. "She killed Ripplenose just by touching him."

Stormstar's eyes darkened. "Killed? By touching him?" His stance chance drastically to one of caution and fear. "How?"

"I-I don't know..." Silvershy shrugged. "I saw Flamefur in pain.. Ripplenose was biting her throat. I felt angry. My blood boiled at the thought of my clan mates being harmed. I neared Ripplenose... and went to claw his back but the second my claws touched his fur, he went limp and the life left his body." She drifted into silence, her eyes staring at the den wall behind Stormstar. Flamefur noticed a soft smile reach her lips as she gazed at the wall. It was as if she could see something that no one else could see.

Stormstar nodded slowly and quickly glanced behind his back. Flamefur saw him take in a large gulp of breath but he quickly composed himself and meowed to Flamefur. "Leave us. I must speak with Silvershy alone."

Flamefur felt a pang of jealousy toward Silvershy but she dipped her head and stalked out of the den.


Silvershy's POV:

"You can see her too?" Stormstar meowed to Silvershy.

Silvershy once again glanced across at the faint figure of a cat behind Stormstar. Her lush green eyes shone the brightest, filled with warmth and comfort. Her transparent silver tabby fur sparkled with the stars of Starclan.

Silverstar spoke up for the first time since she arrived in the den. "Greetings Stormstar and Silvershy."

"Silverstar, I missed you." Stormstar purred and shifted in his nest so that he faced both Silverstar and Silvershy. "Silvershy has been rising to be as great as you were."

"I do hope so. She is my reincarnation after all." Silverstar chuckled and turned her glittering gaze to Silvershy. "How are you coping with your new powers?"

Silvershy looked down at her paws. "Not so well.."

"It's alright." Silverstar purred. "All cats have trouble getting used to their powers."

Stormstar looked up. "So how will Silvershy use her powers?"

"She must learn to control them." Silverstar replied. "At the moment, they surface when she is angry. Silvershy mustn't let her powers surface when she is around her clan mates." The silver she cat turned to Silvershy. It was like looking into a puddle when Silvershy looked at Silverstar. The two were identical. "Silvershy, you must control your emotions. You cannot allow your anger to break free."

Silvershy dipped her head. "I will try my best."

"Good." Silverstar smiled softly. "And don't forget that I'll always be around. I will help you."

"Thank you." Silvershy meowed sheepishly.

Stormstar glanced back up at Silverstar. "Is there anything else?"

Silverstar nodded. "I have a prophecy to give you." With a deep breath, Silverstar began reciting the prophecy.

"The cat of shadows with brethren of wings will reach over the clan and extend it's claws.

"At the death of the storms, it shall lay the cloak of fear over the light.

"Beware what is real and what is not.

"Because when the cat of no names approaches.

"Death shall follow if the silver flames are not prepared."




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