Chapter 2

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Silvershy's POV:

The soft sound of pawsteps made Silvershy spin around to see a cat racing towards her. A small gasp escaped her mouth. Fawnpaw! Her heart ached for the young she cat who had died in a snowstorm before Lightclan found it's new home.

The light brown she cat skidded to a halt, tilting her head to look up at Silvershy. She was still the same size as the day she had died. "Silvershy." She meowed quietly, her pelt shining with sparkles. "I have news."

"Silvershy?" Eagleflight's voice brought Silvershy's attention to what was beside her to see the brown tom standing behind her, slightly flustered and disorientated. "What's going on?" He looked around at the vast windy moorland where they stood, his tail twitching cautiously.

"You're dreaming." Fawnpaw meowed, her voice shaking at the sight of her brother. Her eyes were sad yet happy at the sight of her brother.

Eagleflight turned to Fawnpaw and his eyes widened in shock. "Fawnpaw!" He breathed, rushing to greet her with a flurry of licks. Silvershy felt a flash of jealousy. She wanted Eagleflight to love her that much. She was starting to think he didn't want to be mates with her anymore.

Once their greeting was over, Fawnpaw took a step back. "Eagleflight I am so glad to see you again. You have grown so big and strong." She purred. "I wish I could be a warrior with you.."

Eagleflight's eyes dulled slightly and a sad smile reached his lips. "I wish you were still alive as well."

Fawnpaw nodded, turning to face both Silvershy and Eagleflight now. "I have some terrible news to tell you." She looked down at her paws, a frown on her lips. "Ivypaw... is dead."

Eagleflight was confused at first. "Huh? I thought she already was."

"She's been killed a second time." Fawnpaw meowed. "She was killed this morning by a Dark Forest cat. She has faded away forever."

Eagleflight's eyes widened even further. "W-what?! Faded away? B-but how?"

"If a Starclan cat is killed again, they fade away forever." Fawnpaw explained with a sad sigh. Then she shook her head, as if she were shaking away bad thoughts. "Now you must wake up. It is already nearing sunhigh and your clan needs you."

Eagleflight nodded slowly, eyes tearful, and faded away from view. Silvershy was about to fade away as well when she remembered something. "Wait! What about Shadedstar?"

"Shadedstar? Never heard of her." Fawnpaw shrugged and Silvershy found herself awake in her nest inside the warriors den, annoyed.


Flamefur's POV:

"When will Stormstar's patrol return? They've been out for a long time." Rosegaze commented lazily from the fresh-kill pile as she nibbled on a half-eaten mouse with Autumnpool.

Flamefur shrugged from beside Tigerstripe, Bluesnow and Cheetahpelt. "I don't know." She rested her head on her paws with a small sigh. It was that boring time of day again. There were no patrols to go on and no interesting things going on. Just a bunch of young warriors who were bored out of their mind.

Tigerstripe grumbled under his breath. "I bet Stormstar's fallen asleep."

"Yeah, like that would happen." Bluesnow rolled her eyes sarcastically. Cheetahpelt stifled a small giggle from beside Bluesnow. After Flamefur glanced at her brother questioningly, he quickly shut up and looked away. Flamefur looked away as well, tail twitching with slight annoyance. Cheetahpelt was always so self-conscious. He was always worried that the other warriors would judge him. But Flamefur still loved Cheetahpelt as a little brother no matter how mouse-brained he was.

"Ravenclan attack!"

Flamefur jerked her head up at the yowl and looked around frantically for the battle patrol. Tigerstripe and Bluesnow leapt up as well, panic radiating off her siblings' pelts.

Then, the squeals of kits sounded from the Nusery tunnel and Sweetkit and Amberkit shot out with squeaks of delight. "Ravenclan has come to attack you!" Sweetkit yowled before leaping on Rosegaze's back.

Flamefur felt her bristling fur quickly smooth back down again at the sight of the kits. They were just playing. There were no Ravenclan cats. Tigerstripe let out an irritable snort, "Stupid kits."

Bluesnow nudged her brother with a playful glare. "Hush. They were just playing."

Flamefur stayed quiet, watching as Sweetkit and Amberkit churned their paws into Rosegaze's back with cries of delight. Rosegaze laughed and playfully swatted at the kits. Sweetkit yowled, "Ravenclan will chase you out just like Magiclan!"

Flamefur's whiskers twitched slightly at Sweetkit's yowl. The little she kit hadn't even been born when Lightclan was chased out yet she was making jokes about it. Plus, she was acting out what would happen if Ravenclan attacked. A Ravenclan tom, Rushclaw, had threatened to chase Lightclan out a short while ago. Flamefur didn't think it was much to worry about. Jaggedstar wasn't in favour of the ambush, so how could Rushclaw possibly gather enough cats to attack Lightclan when his own leader won't allow it?

A wave of tiredness fell upon Flamefur and she yawned, rising to her paws. "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me if anything happens." She trotted into the warriors den, pushing past the overhanging vines, and settled into her nest. She curled her tail around her body and quickly drifted asleep.

Flamefur woke up in the Dark Forest. Huh. Even during the day I get summoned here. She shrugged and began walking through the dark undergrowth. Usually her mentor, Greenstare, would show up soon for training.

After a while of aimless walking, Flamefur stopped and looked around. Everything looked the same in this place it was very easy to get lost. She sighed and began walking again. It wasn't long before she picked up the smell of blood. A lot of blood.

She narrowed her eyes and quickened her pace until she reached a small clearing. The scent of blood was overwhelmingly strong and she halted just as she entered the clearing. Every mouse-length of the ground was coated in thick, sticky blood. There were no signs of cats, however, nor any signs of other animals. Flamefur was alone, surrounded by a massive pool of blood.

"Flamefur?" Greenstare's voice jolted Flamefur out of her thoughts and her paws slipped on the blood, causing her to lose her balance and fall in a tangled mess in the blood pool. With a grunt of disgust Flamefur scrambled away from the blood, shaking her blood-soaked fur. The dark red liquid was all over her and she hissed irritably at herself.

Greenstare was at her side in heartbeats, shoving Flamefur away with a light growl. "Fool!"

"What?" Flamefur hissed, still trying to rid her fur of all the blood.

"You weren't supposed to come today!" Greenstare screwed her acid green eyes shut with a snarl and yowled. "You could be killed for seeing that!"

"What's so bad about a pool of blood?" Flamefur growled.

"You tell me!" Greenstare scored her claws across the soil. "Something very bad happened this morning! Now both our lives are in danger..."

Flamefur growled. "Whatever. I just won't come here again!"

"You can't control what happens!" Greenstare snarled. "You've ruined everything!"


Ugh sorry I updated late. It's my little brother's birthday today lol

Warriors: Troubled Tides ~Series 2 Book 2~Where stories live. Discover now