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Uggg how am i gonna make it through the rest of this school year?
You thought to yourself as you dragged your seemingly lifeless body out of your dorm room at the too bright and too early hour of 6:30 AM.

You had started your first year of college just a week ago and you could already tell that your decision to take morning classes was going to be the death of you. You'd figured if you took morning classes, you'd have the rest of the day to do whatever you wanted! But you soon realized that your habit of staying up till it was too late to be called "night" anymore despite the time you had to get up in the morning didn't really mix well with your early morning lectures.

You sighed attempting to rub the sleep out of your eyes as you made your way across the quad to get to your first class of the day.

"Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice call from behind you followed by approaching footsteps. You turned around to see your only hope for making it through this school year jogging over to you, brown hair flopping atop his head as he tried to catch up to you.

You half-smiled at him as he finally reached you from across the quad.

"You really couldn't meet me half way?" He panted as he tried to catch his breath from running all the way to your stationary position on the opposite side of the quad. He crossed his arms across his chest and cocked his head to the side, looking at you with narrowed eyes as if to say "you'd better have a good reason for not moving your lazy ass and making me do all the work."

"I'm sorry, Tae! I'm just so tired!" You pouted as you attempted to alleviate his sassiness with your best aegyo. "You know i'm not a morning person." You looked up at him batting your eyelashes and giving him puppy dog eyes. You saw his gaze soften as a smile began making its way across his face.

Maybe it worked this time! You thought hopefully as you were ready to accept your win... But that thought was quickly erased from your mind as he uncrossed his arms only to cover his mouth in an attempt to stifle a laugh. You frowned and crossed your arms, turning around to walk away from him, or more accurately: walk away from your shame, as a few snickers escaped his lips. He gently grabbed your right shoulder from behind and leaned over your left so his head was right next to yours.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but you know you suck at aegyo. You should really find a new persuasion technique." You could practically hear the smile in his voice as he teased you.

"I just don't get it!" You huffed out of exasperation. "What am i doing wrong? All the other girls make it look so easy... Its not fair." You announced your frustrations as Taehyung moved so he was standing beside you with his arm draped across your shoulders. The two of you began walking toward your class together.

"Maybe you're just not cute." Taehyung shrugged as he peered at you from the corners of his eyes as he awaited your reaction. "Ow!" He exclaimed as your hand came up and smacked him on the back of his head.

"Why am i even friends with you? You're so mean to me." You whined as Taehyung rubbed the back of his head pouting. You and Taehyung have been friends since your freshman year in high school. You were always the shy type, not really caring about being social and rather just trying to get through your days at school. And of course Taehyung, being the positive, fun-loving, goofy guy he is, was immediately drawn to you, trying to get you to come out of your shell. He was the only person that actually showed any interest in you at your school and soon enough you and he had become inseparable.

"Hey! I was only kidding! You know i think you're adorable... Just... In your own way." He defended as he attempted to use his aegyo on you. Kim Taehyung aegyo is not to be underestimated. It always had you giving in in a matter of seconds. The guy was simply a master.

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