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THIS CHAPTER IS SUPER SHORT AND BORING AND INADEQUATE AND IT STILL TOOK ME FOREVER TO UPDATE AND IM SORRY. School has really just been throwing curve balls at me for the past two weeks and im also working on building up my portfolio for art school which is also taking forever and im working on my senior project and college applications and scholarship essays and participating in extracurriculars for volunteer hours and im just UGH. Im really disappointed that this story is taking me so long to write and that i dont get to update as often as i would like to but hopefully with the upcoming fall break i will actually get the time to FOCUS MORE ON THIS FREAKING FIC. Anyway i said i would have this chapter up by the end of last week and i couldn't even get that done so i just kinda found a stopping point so i wouldn't keep you guys waiting any longer. Thank you guys so much for reading and voting and commenting even though I'm like the worst fic writer ever :-) anyways i hope you find at least some enjoyment in this chapter!
You quickly made your way out of your dorm building and toward a boutique just outside campus making sure to avoid the bench where Tae and... Yeah they probably weren't there anymore but you weren't risking running into them. You inhaled the cool air as you walked, trying to clear your head and calm down. Breathe in.... breathe out... You repeated as you tried to straighten your thoughts and find some kind of peace. It must have worked because before you knew it, you found yourself at the door of the boutique.

You shuffled through the doorway as you noticed someone holding the door open for you as you made your way inside. You'd been here a few times before since it was so close to your campus and you were glad you were familiar with the place. Otherwise, that would mean having to experience two new things at once: 1) shopping at a store you'd never been to and 2) buying a dress. You huffed as you made your way toward the dress section across the store knowing this was going to be pretty difficult for you.

You began swiping through the multitude of dresses on the rack before you. Too fancy... Too tight... Too girly... Too meh... Too short... You quickly became a bit overwhelmed as you realized you didn't know exactly what you were looking for nor did you know what would look good on you. You bit your lip with nervous energy and tried to think of what exactly you were looking for...

"Are you finding everything okay, Miss?" A deep voice interrupted your thoughts. You turned your head to see a tall man with short honey brown hair gazing at you inquisitively. He looked pretty young; you guessed he was around your age. "Ah yes, thank you" you replied turning your attention back to the rack. "Well if there's anything i can help you with, just let me know" he said with sweet smile. "Wait!" You called out a bit frantically just as he was turning away from you. "Yes?" He asked turning back toward you. You inhaled deeply trying to calm yourself down. This really isn't that big of a deal, don't freak out... "Maybe there is something you can help me with..." You trailed off looking down slightly. The man raised his eyebrows as he awaited your request. "So i'm looking for a dress, something pretty casual and... Simple, but I'm kinda new to this whole dress-thing so I feel kind of lost..." He chuckled lightly "And by 'new to this whole dress thing'" he started, putting air quotes around your earlier statement, "you mean you're not used to wearing dresses?" He questioned, his tone lacking any signs of teasing but rather playfulness. "Yeahh" you sighed, "dresses just aren't really my thing. Do you think you could help me find something that might look good on me? Because honestly i have no idea where to even start." You chuckled at yourself as you finished explaining. "Yeah sure, no problem! I'm kinda big into fashion so I gotcha." He said winking at you with a dimpled smile forming on his face, making you laugh. He began scouring the dress racks in search of the perfect dress to suit you. "My name's Namjoon by the way." He offered in a chipper tone not taking his eyes off the racks. "Y/N." You replied to let him know yours. "Oh, pretty name." He said raising his eyes toward you with a smile. You thanked him cheerfully as he resumed scanning dresses.

By the time Namjoon had sorted through all the dresses, he had three garments draped over his arm. "Any of these will look great on you." He said approaching you with a proud glimmer in his eyes. "Follow me" he called as he walked past you making his way over to the dressing room. Namjoon opened a stall and hung each of the dresses up on different hooks so you could see them all. "Which one do you like best?" He asked. You walked closer to the dresses, tilting your head to the side as you examined each one. "Hmm... I think I like this one the best." You said grabbing the skirt of a deep maroon colored, velvet skater dress with a scoop neck and spaghetti straps. You looked up at him to see him smirking at you in a sort of triumphant way. "What?" You asked in regards to his smirk. "I thought you'd like that one" he said as he began removing the other two dresses from the hooks. "Wait, why?" You asked confused. He shrugged "seems like you."

Namjoon made his way out of the dressing room, leaving you to try on the dress. You looked at yourself in the mirror after pulling the dress on over your head. Wow... I actually really like this... You were surprised with the view you got from the mirror. "Y/N? It's Namjoon..." You heard followed by two quick knocks on the dressing room door. "You better come out here and show me the dress once you have it on." You heard his muffled voice demand from the opposite side of the door. You snickered at his enthusiasm and opened the dressing room door, shyly standing before a wide-eyed Namjoon. "Okay, you look absolutely amazing in that dress." He stated with a huge grin of excitement stretched across his face. "Thank you..." You responded, looking down as a slight blush rose to your cheeks. You weren't used to receiving such blatant compliments from anyone but Tae. I hope he thinks so too... "What was that?" You snapped your head up to meet Namjoon's curious gaze. Oh my god, did i say that outloud?! "Umm..." You began nervously, biting your lip while trying to think of a way to change the subject. "'he', huh?" Namjoon questioned knowingly with just the sligtest tinge of a teasing tone woven into his voice of amusement. He caught on before you could bullshit your way out of it, a wide grin spreading across his face. "So you're buying this dress to... impress a special someone?" He pressed, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "No!" You exclaimed a bit too defensively, heat rising to your face. "W-well i mean..." You stuttered "not exactly..." You trailed off thinking how the term "special someone" didn't quite fit. Unless you would refer to your best friend as a "special someone." Namjoon's eyebrows raised, silently asking you to continue. "Its just that i never really wear dresses and so i figured id buy one and get my best friend's opinion on it..." You trailed not willing to completely open up about your insecurities to this near stranger. Namjoon narrowed his eyes skeptically as if not buying your story. Your heart began to beat faster, nervous as to what you were going to tell him if he pressed further. You look up at him in anticipation to find him shrugging "well whatever. Lets go get you checked out" he gave up on the subject and you let out a sigh of relief.

You followed him to the register where he rung up your dress. "Thanks again... I don't know what i would have done without your help." You chuckled lightly as he looked up at you smiling. "Hey, no problem. I'm actually a fashion student over at North Hill U so this sorta thing is kinda my forte." Your eyes widened with surprise. "You go to NHU? So do I!" You said a bit excited. "Oh thats awesome! We should hang out sometime!" He replied, his warm smile widening. There are those dimples again... "Yeah that'd be cool! I have some friends you'd probably really get along with." You said eager to start a new friendship with him. He seemed really nice and like a generally chill and fun guy. He reminded you a bit of Tae's best guy friend, Jimin. Namjoon handed you your new dress after bagging it "Well it was nice to meet you. I'll see you around?" He asked as you took the receipt from his out held hand. "Hopefully!" You called with a smile as you began to make your way out of the shop.
Another author's note because i'm dYING:
OKAY so freaking Never Mind got me all kinds of fucked up i can't even begin to discuss and can we talk about how they all look so fucking fantastic in these concept photos i about cried when i saw Tae's hair holy fffff it's so cute!!! And Yoongi's mint hair to match Tae's mint highlights... !(◎_◎;) i s2g bighit is up to something...
And Jeon Jungkook is so grown oh my god he's so handsome i don't even know what to do anymore. And Jimin's oRANGE HaIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats all i have to say about that ^
And just everybody looks so handsome and \(//∇//)\
Needless to say i am preordering that album no questions asked omfg.

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