The Lost Hero

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Disclaimer: I don't own the world or characters- those belong to Rick Riordan. Nor do I own the song.
A/n: I highly recommend listening to the song before you start reading the oneshot or you can do it after, but I would just do before. And FYI the song is "What Maiden Weeping"

On with the story!

What maiden weeping
Near the tide

I sit, crying in front of a bed of water.

Is covered by her falling tears?

Hair and clothes swallow me, but I feel nothing. I know I'm losing weight, but I have no reason to gain it back.

She's pouring her soul inside
Into the stream of yesteryears.

I look out onto the lake, trying to convey a message that can't be spoken. I know that all had happened in the yesteryears.

"Sing me your sadness,"
Cold winds have blown.

I heard the Apollo demigods singing about our lost hero while cold winds almost knock me over.

"Sing me your sadness,"
Love left me alone.

While I listen to the songs, I hear Chiron call my name. "Annabeth, come on you're speech is next."

I nod my head. I start thinking back to my love that is no longer, and that feeling of being alone slowly, but surely, creeps back up on me, pulling away at my essence until it feels that there is nothing left.

Her warming eyes and peaceful brow
Once turned the crested moonlight blue

I think back to when he was here. I had soft, warm eyes and a peaceful brow when I laughed with him, when I cried with him, when I even only knew that he was nearby, but when he heard my laugh, his moon shaped eyes gained a brilliant blue hue to them.

Now salty tears marked by his vow,
Like rolling seas impede her view

During my speech, my mind drifts off to the night he proposed. How he vowed to do so many things for me: to protect me, to make sure I'm safe, and to always have some sort of comfort. My sight was going blurry with tears that threaten to turn into a sob. I try to look forward and wipe away the tears, but it just makes my sight worse.

Her crying heart mourns deeper still
As swirling waves onto the shore.

My broken heart clenches as I look longingly at his shrine. Sea foam green - like the color of his eyes- designed to look like waves creeping up onto the shore.

How angry flows the bitter chill
Of lover returning never more.

As I make my way back to the lake, I thinks back to the night that had put me in this position. Anger courses my veins as I think of how he had set the camp up.

"Sing me your sadness,"
Cold winds have blown

I, along with the rest of the camp, had just sat there waiting for his signal that never came while he fought off all the monsters. Finally, when he was stabbed right below the heart was when everyone was knocked out of their trance and went to fight off the rest of the monsters.

"Sing me your sadness,"
Love left me alone.

I had ran as fast as I could to him. He looks into my watering grey eyes, "Annabeth, don't forget about me, but don't do anything that you would regret in the future. Don't mourn and grieve over me either. I love you so much, Annabeth."

He finishes drawing ragged breaths.

"Oh Percy, please don't leave me. I love you too." While he softly runs his hands through my hair, I sobbed into his chest. Percy tugs weakly at my hair. I look up at him. He gives me a small smile, his eyes flutter, he mouths "I love you more than anything," he slowly puts his lips to mine and gives me a passionate kiss. Percy pulls away and looks into my eyes as he takes his last breath.

I have had to savor that last touch of our lips, the warmth of his touch, all I have left of him. I have no one else. Everyone else in my life hath passed on, and I loved everyone in her life.

Love left me alone.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were no more. Forevermore it would only be Annabeth. Forever lonely. Forever, without my love.

Percy had left Me alone for the rest of my life.

My friend had been a big help writing this. So thank you so much!

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