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Have you ever felt like you just wanted to run away? Like you just want to get away from everything and you don't know why? When you feel like you want to cry? That's how I feel like right now. I'm currently at lunch and that's all I want to do. I feel like something bad is going to happen, but everything is perfect on the outside. I just put on a fake smile and go with the flow.Rheonna and Sam are talking about something, but I'm to lost in my thoughts to care. BANG BANG BANG!!!!!! The whole entire school erupts into shrill screams of ear piercing fear. I forgot to tell you that we were now in 7th period. ** teachers hide your children. We have unexpected guests. We are now in lockdown."

We all get up and huddle in the corner. BANG BANG BANG. more gunshots go off. Wait a minute, those are in the classroom next to me. I scanned the room and I realize that the only emotion everyone is projecting is fear. my thoughts are *sigh* once again interrupted by the dir to our classroom bursting open.


The man has a pistol in each of his hands. his hood is up and all you can see are his dark, evil eyes and a cracked and dry mouth. He has a somewhat eager look on his face. He quickly scans the room. I was the last person he saw, but once he saw me, he simply smirked. The mystery man slowly strides over to me. I feel everyones eyes in me. He stops about a foot away from my frozen figure. In less time it took to take a breath, the mans hand reached over and snatched my ankle. He started to drag me away from my life. Before I left the classroom, I got a glance of whom I may never see again and what they were doing. Sam and Rheonna were screaming my name, begging him not to take me. Maddie is in the corner. Her body is racked with sobs and her eyes are filled with regret and guilt. I continue to desperately find something to stop this man from doing whatever he has in mind.

Once my life has disappeared from the doorway, the mystery man tosses me into the lockers like a rag doll. Just like Vincent did.

"Hello lovely."

He tries to stroke my cheek, but I flinch away. I guess he didn't like my move because he roughly grabbed my chin and held me in place.

"ANSWER ME BACK!!!!!!! " He barks.

"h -h-hi " I mentally slap myself for sounding so weak and fragile.

"mmmmm. Much better. " He continues to stroke my cheek. His hand lifts up as if hes gonna slap me. I shut my eyes to prepare myself. After a couple of seconds and I still feel nothing. I slowly peel open my eyes to see that he took off his hood. Its Vincent. These dreaming of the future is really pissing me off.

"Come on lovey. Stop stressing." He reaches out and puts a firm grip on my upper thigh. He slowly descended his hand further and further up my thigh. I was frozen. The fear that I felt in my dream and the fear that I was feeling now was shutting my mind down.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!"Once I realized what he would've done to me, I had an outburst.

"You little bitch. You do what I say. I'm the one with the weapon, not you. In fact I have 3 weapons, one that us not my gun. Your school, Sam, and Rheonna." My eyes popped out of my sockets.

"Don't you dare touch them!!!!!!!"

"And if I do" he cooed. "I bet that Sam chick would be good on a pole with chains."

"I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU GO NEAR THEM!!!!!" I roared as I shot up from my spot. He simply chuckled.

"You don't get it do you. You couldn't kill me even if you tried. Your nothing but a scrawny, weak, anorexic slut." Next thing I know my hand is coming in contact with Vincent's dry face. Shit I slapped him! Might as well use my confidence.

"Don't you dare tell me who I am. Don't tell me what I can't or can do. You don't know me! Your just some filthy, horny boasters who needs to be put in jail!!!!!" *who are you?* i heard my conscious whisper. This is me, no wait....this is the new me.

"You little whore. How dare you talk to me that way!!!!" He yanks my hair and throws me into the lockers. Replying with an agonizing groan, I slowly make my way up. There is no way I'm going down without a fight.

He tried to throw a punch at me, but I surprisingly dodged it. He hesitated for a moment realizing that I dodged his swing. Once he let it sink in he went in to throw another one, but as if in slow motion, I grabbed his clenched fist and flipped him over my head. He lands on the floor with a loud *thud*. I didn't question my new found talent. I just continues what it seemed like I was born to do.

I kicked his ribs a few times, but towards the 4th or 5th one he grabbed my foot and shoved me to the ground. He pulled out a knife and leaped on top of me, trying to pin me down. I raised my knee really fast hitting him in the nuts. He let out a little squeak of pain and rolled around before getting furious with me. Every time he threw a punch at me I dodged it and threw one successfully at him. After a while, he began to get slower and weaker at his punches. With one last punch and a spin kick to the temple in his head, he was out like a light. All the energy left my body as fast as lightning. It was soon replaced by an immense pain in my ribs. Struggling to breath, I looked down at my stomach and saw a knife implanted right below my rib cage.

My knees give out from beneath me. I come crashing to the ground.

"Ally?" a weak, scared voice called from my classroom. I'd reconize it anywhere, its Sam.

"Call the police." I croak.

"Already did." She speaks. Everyone starts to file out of the classrooms. Gasps fill the air once they see Vincent and I. 'She got stabbed.' Oh my God.' 'Call an ambulance!!' 'Is she going to be ok?', shouts of orders, statements, and questions filled the air.

"Stop shouting. Please." With every word my breaths get more painful.

"QUIET! Everyone shutup. Take a step back and I want ONLY two people to call one the folowing. The police and the ambulance. Now lets see hie bad that wound is." The voice o Maddie surprised me beyond words. She kneels down and examines my stab wound. Touching gently here and there.

"I th -though y-you hated m-me. " I say while struggling to breath and keep my eyes open.

"I could never hate you for what Vincent did to you." She says gently. Her hand starts to examine the knifes handle. Wait. How does she know Vincents name.

"I ne-never t-told you his na-me." My eyes widen in suprise. She quietly laughs. Not in a humerous way though. More like a sinister/evil laugh.

"That you didn't. You are quite smart for yourself. You should know though, I'm not who you think I am. Nighty Night. Sweet dreams." She roughly grips the handle if the blade and painfully twists it then rips it out. A scream erupts from my mouth. The pain is too much. My vision goes black and I'm released into a world of darkness and finally peace.

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