Surprise part 1

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I woke up in a small, uncomfortable bed listening to the rythmatic bed of my heart monitor. IVs were stuck into my arms. Just as i was about to panic, a cherry fake blond strolled into the room.

''Hello dear!'' She spoke with a smile as false as her hair color.

''So glad to see you're feeling better!'' Her smile fell as she discovered that i wasnt speaking.

''Well luckily you will be ok. That Maddie girl got arrested.'' '' You will be able to go home today acually. Just after we runa few more test just to make sure that you are phicsally as well as mentanlly ok.'' A cold lump od dread and fear blocked my throat.

''No!'' I cried, sitting up fast. '' ''I cant go home! My mom is insane!'' Her previous words about Maddie slipping my mind. The nurse gave me a nasally laugh.

''Oh look at you! That anestisa is throwing you for a loop!'' Pure, unadulteralted fear made me half-scream.

''No! You dont understand! Shes evil. Please! Wait. What about Vincent. Didnt he get arrested?'' My hopes getting the best of me.

A confused look upon the nurses face shattered my hopes. ''Who? There was only Maddie. I think all of the stress is making you get a little delusional. Im gonna let you sleep-'' she pressed a tiny red button that sent a wave of morphine through my veins. The new wave prevented me from hearing what she was saying next. My last thought was how I was getting really pissed at the passing out thing.


'' Sweetie.. Oh sweetie. Get The Fuc- I mean wake up sleepyhead you.'' My mothers voice yanked me out of my lovely moment of peace. I slowly flutter my eyes open afraid of what sight I might witness. '' Ahhh. There she is. Come on now brat- er darling. Lets go to our nice, peaceful, safe home.'' She said putting emphasis on the word safe. A chorus of aww's fillied my hospital room. I fully open my eyes to see 3 other brunette bimbos. They take out the IVS in my arm and give me clothes to change in.

I quickly change into the clothes which consists of a floral blouse and blue shorts. I added a jukebox ring and then walked out of the bathroom. All of the bimbo nurses greet me with a relieved smile. My mom just sits there staring at me. Weird. After a couple moments, she stands up and clasps her hands together

"Alright. Lets go home now. I have a welcome back gift for you." She give me an evil smile. I try to swallow the fear that arose into my throat. She puts her hand on my shoulder and roughly digs her nails into my shoulder blade. I accidentally let out a tiny whimper, but my mother just digs them in harder as if telling me to shut the fuck up.


Soon enough, we signed out, got I to the car, and arrived at out house. What lies behind that door is a complete mystery to me. My mom walks up to the door and slowly plucks every key trying to taunt me. When she finally reaches the key to the house she fits it into the keyhole and slowly turns it, the lock making a *click* sound indicating that the door is unlocked. She once again slowly opens the door. What lies behind the door is not what I expected at all.

MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! I'm gonna make this a short 2 part chapter. I do apologize for the short chapter but I really need more readers and you all aren't follow my simple wishes. So for today I'm asking for 6 more reads and 1 comment. PLEASE VOTE!! JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T MENTION VOTE DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN'T VOTE!!!!!!! I love you all. Till next chapter.

Forever yours,


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