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"Do you know who I am? ! I am Nightmare. Your worst kind you will ever get." I crooked

You are probably wondering why I said that. Before I go on and tell you how I got there, I will be introducing myself. Well you already know name. Yes, I'm called nightmare. Why? It's pretty obvious. Everyone knows (well almost everyone) that I am nightmare. I suck on people's nightmare. That's my power. I use it to help me conquer the whole of Hexon. Yes I'm evil. I know. You know what, I talked a lot about myself. So know let's get back to why I said those words.
It all started this morning down at Hexon square. The mayor came out, thumping and look furious. He was a pretty big man.very chubby. My servant was there.

"Everyone pleas gather around" ordered the mayor
The men, women and even children gathered around.
" this is the third time this week. A body was found earlier today in an horrifying state. It's seemed as if it's life was sucked out."

Yeah that was me. I did suck out the life of that helpless little man. It felt good.

"I can't take this no longer so this is why I hired two monster hunters. They are famously known for destroying beasts all over the world."

The whole town rose. People were dancing, clapping and cheering on. Then it all simmered down.

"These two people are Hardy and Gil."

The crowd erupted. Everyone with awe.

"People of Hexon" said Gil, "we will be here nit to destroy this monster but also to be one with you."
"Yes as what she said. We will not give up until the beast is killed. We assure you."added Hardy

These people actually think they can destroy me. They are out of their minds. I would be the one to destroy them.

Chapter 2 coming out soon!!!

NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now