Take that Abby

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"Good job Mackenzie" Brooke high fived Mack once she finished her dance.

"Good job" I hugged her and sighed nervously because that means my solo is next and only God knows what'll happen.

Just after me accidently telling Maddie I like her doesn't mean as much luck.

"Gino I think their calling you" Brooke rushed me to the stage.

I was surprise I didn't mess up the first to counts. As I was dancing I could see Maddie next to Abby smiling a bit at the end of her lips.

I escaped the stage breathlessly. "Great!" Mackenzie cheered.

"I messed up my final second leap" I shook my head accepting a water bottle from Brooke.

"Nobody noticed" Brooke shook her head.

After a few more solos and trios we went to awards.

"Gino you were cool" Maddie said walking by pass me onstage.

I was about to thank her but she was already talking with Kendall so I sat next to Mackenzie and Brooke.

Guess what? Group got first and now solos...

"Second place for the mini solo division is contestant number 321" The crowd clapped for a random girl that got second.

"Mackenzie you're going to rip of my hand" I whispered.

"I'm pretty nervous so it's either that or pee myself" She whispered back.

I couldn't help but chuckle before we heard "Ladies and gentleman give it up for our mini solo division first place winner contestant number 112"

Mackenzie let out a squeal almost pulling me with her to grab the trophy. Mackenzie also got the judges award.

"Great, Abby's not gonna' kill me" She bragged sitting next to me.

"Yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh are you nervous?"

I shook my head.

"Or are you dreaming about Maddie?" She sang the name Maddie.

"Shut up"

"Maddie, Maddie, Maddie" She sang.

"Shut up Mackenzie she's going to hear you" I said through my teeth.

"Runner up is ..."

Great Mackenzie, I didn't pay attention to any of the solo awards thanks to you!

The cameras and producers where all focusing on me and I could barely concentrate.

"Number 248" The announcer cheered.

I looked down at my number and was happy not to see it on my shirt.

"First place Soloist is..."

My heartbeat raced not just because I wanted to win but because I wanted to do this for Maddie.

"Look who's going to rip my hand off now" Mackenzie muttered.

I ignored her and anxiously waited for the stupid announcer to say who won. I looked at Abby and I could tell by her look that I had to win. I can't lose.

"Number 349" He said. I walked up and grabbed my trophy.

Take that Abby!

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