The next morning we were waiting for the buses to arrive. I was so excited. I always dreamt about goint camping with my friends. Caroline was even more excited than I was.

"I hope I find a cute boy. Don't get me wrong but I don't want to spend my college years single" she said serious. I laughed. "But for you I don't think it's necessary to get you a boyfriend" she said looking straight ahead. I followed her eyes and saw Harry. He was walking to us.

"Morning" he said to me almost ignoring Caroline. His voice was deeper and huskier tha usual because he just got up from bed. And god, was that sexy.

"Good morning" I smiled to him.

"I'm Caroline" Caroline said too excited.

"Erhm, I'm Harry" he said but directed his attention back to me. "So, are you ready?"

"I was born ready" why do I have to be so embarassing around boys? I hate myself.

Harry chuckled. "We're going to have a lot of fun there. I used to go camping with my parents every summer and it was amazing" he said a little bit said by mentioning his parents. I didn't want to ask what was botering him because we barely knew each other.

"Really? I never went camping but it was always a dream of mine" I said smiling.

"You sure you want to do this? I mean, there are going to be bugs everywhere" he said half smirking.

"That's not a problem. I'm not that kind of girl"

He chuckled "It's just the third time we talk and you never fail do surprise me, Parker".

Oh my lord, was he counting how many times we talk? Why am I even so excited about this? I don't even know him. Because he's hot, that's why. I don't want you to think that it was love at first sight because it wasn't. I wasn't even in love with him. I was just attracted by him.

Meanwhile, the buses were already there and we were on our way to the camping. I sat net to Harry, he asked me if I didn't mind going with him. Caroline was sitting at the back with some of her friends. She didn't mind, you know how she shipps Harry with me. The ride was pretty good. Harry and I were always talking like we knew each other for years. He was pretty cool. I found out that he had a sister and was raised in Holmes Chapel. But he didn't say anything about his parents and I didn't wanna ask. He told me stories about his childhood. I think I never laughed so hard in my entire life.

"We're here" the teacher said.

I was surprised. The two hours trip went by so fast. I think Harry and I were just having a good time.

We stepped all out of the bus and got our suitcases. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Fresh air, so good.

"This is so amazing" Caroline almost screamed next to me. I laughed. That girl knew how to be annoying but I already loved her. She made me always happy.

When all of the students took their suitcases, the principal started talking.

"I hope you enjoy our little trip. We do this every year and we never had problems with the students. I hope it won't happen this year. You're going to have a whole week to relax, make new friends and get ready for the tough year in college. To be a little more organised, the teachers made a list to decide who stays with who in the cabins. There will be four students in each. So, let's start..."

He started to make the groups. I was dying to know with who I would stay. One thing I noticed was that in every group were girls and boys together.

"Violet Parker...Caroline Adams...Louis Tomlinson and...Harry Styles"

I was going to stay with Caroline, I was so happy. She hugged me thight immediatly. But wait, what? I'm going to stay with Harry??? I think I'm going to die. I looked at him and he was already smirking at me.

"Who is Louis?" I asked Caroline.

"It's Harry's best friend. He's really hot and cool and funny"

"Seems like you have a crush on him" I smirked.

"shhhh" Caroline blushed.

"So, every group has to come to me to know in which cabin it will stay. Have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do" the principal laughed.

God, I hate it when teachers try to be funny. Just don't do that, it's embarassing. 

It was really beautiful here. There were small wood cabins everywhere. And you wanna know what was the best? The cabins were in the trees, they were like tree houses! And there were little wood bridges that we could use to go from one cabin to another. It was amazing. And then there was big wood house. I supose that's where the canteen and the bathrooms are. This was just a dream and I knew it would be the best week ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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