Chapter 11: Good News All Around

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Hey guys.

The team smiled, knowing that the handwriting belonged to their closest friend, Doctor Spencer Reid. They took seats around the room, ready to brainstorm anything that might bring their friend back to them soon.

What's up? You all look deep in thought.

Spencer wasn't sure what was on his friends' minds, but he would fine out soon enough, he guessed.

"We're just trying to come up with a way for you to get back to us, Pretty Boy," explained Morgan.

Reid nodded to himself. So . . . any ideas?

The team shook their heads, and Reid sighed. He knew he would eventually pass on to the next world, or whatever came after this one, but he wanted to do so many things before he died, and if he didn't get back soon, he may not be able to do any of them.

"I have an idea," Emily spoke up from the back of the room, closest to Hotch, who had his hand secretly wrapped around hers. Well, until then, anyway.

The entire room turned to her, willing to hear anything that might be able to help their friend.

"Go ahead, Em," whispered Hotch, earning him a thankful smile in return.

"What if we had Reid lay on the bed, where his body is, and if we get him in the exact spot, maybe he'll reconnect to himself?"

Everyone sat still; the room quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Everybody was lost in thought, wondering the exact same thing:

Would it work?

And if it didn't, what did they have to lose?


J.J.'s P.O.V.

I woke again with a splitting headache, groaning. I tried to sit up, but a nurse quickly came over and rudely pushed me back down. I began to protest, unrelentingly trying to sit up straight.

One of the nurses managed to get me to stop moving long enough for her to speak with me.

"Jennifer-Jennifer! My name's Mandy, and I'm one of your nurses here, and I regret having to be the one to tell you that you have just woken up from the anesthesia we used on you for your surgery. You might be experiencing pain or discomfort in the next couple of hours." The nurse quickly explained while managing to get me to calm down completely.

"And what exactly did I need to go into surgery for? You guys already said that you couldn't get it out."

"Well, the doctor wanted another look at it, and that was what the surgery was for. I'm sorry he didn't ask for your consent, but he thinks that now he may be able to get it out."

I sat, stunned. I would be able to live without cancer?

"Thank you," I mumbled, to caught up in my thoughts to say anything else.

I thought about how I would see my family again. How I would be able to spend afternoons with Henry, and be able to go on date nights with Will. How the team and I would spend hours on end for a case, only to have zero leads.

I missed it already.


Spencer's P.O.V.

I thought about Emily's idea, and eventually wrote my opinion on the board.

All Or None (Criminal Minds Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now