4. V

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((AN: I couldn't think of anything "fluffy" so this is as close as "fluffy" I got into this imagine.))

Request from AnimeEmpress16

You tried to move out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go. You and Taehyung were both in bed. You were awake but he was still asleep. He didn't want to wake up no matter how many times you tried to wake him up and he wouldn't let you go.


"Don't leave, [Name]. I'm cold," he said as he hugged you tighter. Taehyung was cuddling with you because he was cold. You didn't know how or when you both went into that cuddling position but you didn't mind that at all.

"I have to go to work" you groaned as you tried, once again, to get out of Taehyung's grasp. It was useless anyway, he still held you in place.

"Why do you have to go to work? Why can't you just stay here with me and cuddle? Is that too much to ask for?" Taehyung whined.

You felt a bit guity but you knew that Taehyung was purposely making you feel that way.

"I have a deal," you said. "If you let me go, I will cuddle with you."

"You're lying. You're going to get up and run to get ready for work. Not on my watch."

"Taehyung, I'll be late."

"Not my problem. It's your fault for coming home late yesterday, making me feel very lonely at home." He hugged you tighter. "You're like my teddy bear. Soft, cuddly, and cute," he whispered.

A shiver went down your spine when you heard him say that. You wanted to find a way to get Taehyung to let you go but, couldn't think of anything. And then you remembered, it was your day off. You had been working for so long without any breaks that you forgot that you had any.

You sighed as you sunk into Taehyung's arms. "Fine. I don't even have work today," you said.

"Really?" Taehyung said tiredly.


"That's great! Get up, we're going somewhere!" Taehyung said as he jumped off the bed.

"I thought you wanted to snuggle?" You asked.

"Yeah but going somewhere with you is even better!"

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