7. Jungkook Part 1

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You had been recently accepted into (prestigious college in America). You were not as excited as everyone else because it meant that you had to leave Korea, but you were still a bit happy.

But even with the good news of going to America, you were still not that happy. Lately, there had been this teen model who went to your school. You don't know why or how she got accepted into your school but you were certain that she forced her way into the school.

The worse part was that she was close friends with Jungkook, your boyfriend. You were not the person who got jealous easily but you had become very jealous of the teen model. Jungkook would spend more time with her and he even ignored you on Christmas and your birthday because he was with her. But, you didn't snap. You were going to give him about ten more chances.

You let Jungkook hang out with her and you would leave him alone when they were together which was all the time.

"Hi Y/N!" You heard a cheerful.voice. You slammed your locker and turned around.

"What do you want?"

"That's not how to greet your boyfriend," Jungkook said, frowning.

"We're still dating?" You asked as you walked down the hall. "I thought you and that model were dating."

"What? No. We're not dating."

"Are you sure? You spend more time with her than with me," you said, anger clear in your voice.

Jungkook paused. "No I don't."

You turned around and glared at him. You were going to say something but you saw the model walk towards you and Jungkook. You turned on your heel and ran away.

"Y/N! WAIT--"

"Kookie! Guess what?"

You were far away from the two as you panted. After you calmed down, you made your way to class.

"And that, class, is the Pathagoran Theorem," your math teacher said.

"I dont get it," a kid in your class said.

Everyone groaned.

"Class, don't be like that. If you all understand it, start working on page two hundred fifty-nine to page two hundred sixty and do odds only. If you do the evens, you get extra credit."

Everyone began on the assignment while the teacher went to help the student. As you worked, the person who sat next to you passed you a note. You looked at them and they shrugged and pointed at the model.

You looked over at her and jumped. How in the hell did she even get into honors and advanced classes?

She gave you a girly wave and smiled. You frowned as you turned around towards the paper.

Dear Y/N,
Why do you keep running away from Jungkook when I go near him? Do you have a problem with him or me? Because I would be glad to take him off your hands if you want. Anyway, this is not the point if this note. Meet me at the library during lunch.
~the lovely model, Eunice

You groaned. "I rather get stabbed in the eye three times," you mumbled to yourself, but you decided that you should meet her. You didn't know why but you just wanted to.

You waited in the library for Eunice. Of course you were not happy because you wanted some food. Your stomach was growling and then the final stage of hunger hit you. Stomach pain. You groaned as you waited for her.

"Glad you came. You know, you needed to lose some weight."

"Fuck you," you said blankly.

"You have a dirty mouth for one of the top students in the school. Anyway, I'm in love with Jungkook."

"Really?!" Sarcasm was obvious in your words. Eunice glared at you.

"The company that I work at had fliers for another company asking for singers, dancers, rappers, etc. The audition is over the summer. I told Jungkook that if he went to the audition, that it means he has to give up his relationship with you to achieve his dream and date me. If he didn't, he stays here and I leave, forever."

You frowned. "He won't go."

"Are you sure about that? He was very excited when I told him."

You stood up and left the library. You couldn't take anymore of this.

You decided to talk to Jungkook.

"Hey," he said, kissing you on the cheek.

"Hey," you said back, without any emotion in your voice.

"What did you want to talk about?"

You frowned."The audition. Are you going?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Why?"

"Are you really going to give up our relationship for the audition?"

Jungkook was silent. "Y/N--"

"No. It's fine. You should go," tears threatened to fall from your eyes. "You always wanted to be famous. Here is your opportunity."


"You don't have to say anythi--"

"You're so stupid."


"You are really stupid. Do you really think that I would give up our relationship for the audition? No. It's not even stupid. It's ignorant. You don't even know how much I love you! You just run away when Eunice is with me, you barely spend any time with me. I feel like we are not even in a relationship!"

"What are you talking about?! I have been running away because I don't want to get in the way of you and Eunice's friendship! Plus, you are the one who spends less time with me! Eunice this! Eunice that! IT'S LIKE I'M THE FRIEND AND EUNICE IS THE GIRLFRIEND!" You growled at him. "FOR ALL I KNOW, YOU COULD GO DATE EUNICE!" You didn't mean to say that but it already slipped out.

"FINE! Y/N L/N, WE ARE OVER!" Jungkook stomped away.

You stood in your spot, frozen. What have you done?

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