
27 1 0

I woke up and this time it felt warm, a little to warm. A warmth I knew I was okay with, a warmth that reassured me everything was okay. I shifted my head and tilted up toward Harry's face. He was still peacefully asleep.

As I watched him sleep I took in his perfectly imperfect facial features, the way his face was so strongly shaped and his heart shaped lips, slightly parted and a bit chapped but so so- I don't know.

I reach my hand up to caress his face, leading my finger tips to rub over his lips. Slightly chapped but so kissable.

As I caressed his lips his lips sifted into a grin,"Like what you see?" I feverishly moved away and turned around,"I'm sorry." It goes silent for a couple of minutes, then I feel his arms tug around my waist to pull me in close.

"Don't apologize Lil you're okay, please don't be so frantic around me." I nod my head and I feel the breath of his lips fanning over my ear giving me the chills as he whispers,"we'll get out of here soon."

With those words he kissed my ear and gets up, leaving my room with my empty wanders.

We'll get out of here soon

Out of here soon


How soon?


As the day went on Harry had to eventually leave to do his.. "duties" for some reason I find myself cringing at the thought of him and other "patients." But manage to push the thought aside and continue on with my day.

As I waited for the time to pass by faster I felt myself growing impatient, i wanted to see Harry I wanted to know what he meant by, "we'll get out of here soon." 

I toss myself on my bed and figure no customers would be seeing me today, but semi good thing about that is, I can plot a way to get out of here as well.. 

 I head to the dresser which was provided with a journal, that I never grew inspiration to write in but, might as well start with something useful.

I start thinking  of ideas but, it keeps trailing back to Harry and I..Keep your head strong Lilly, this is not the place you want to be, not here, you need out. 

A quick whisper of my name comes back around from where Laylah crawled through, scaring the shit out of me may I add, 

"This vent is literally our only way out, not much planning needs to be done love" she admits with a sincere voice, climbing down the dresser underneth the vent she mind blowingly crawled through, "I know I just can't help it, Anything to get my mind off of.." I quickly cut myself off as I close the notebook that had doodles of nothing that would help me get out of this place. 

"Get your mind off of..Harry? Is what you meant to say?" She hints at with a small smirk

"N- no- no it can't be like that, don't make something out of nothing.." I say quickly knowing I am fooling no one but myself.. There is no way I can continue to push away the feelings that sre clearly jumbled up in my mind about Harry. But for now that is what will have to be done..

Use your will power Lilly.. 

" You don't have to hide things from me Lilly you know, I am in the same position as you. There are boys  running in and out of here doing the same damage that is being done to you, to me.. I am here for you and I don't want you to feel like there is something that needs to be kept from me." she saids a mouthfull throwing me off guard as to why she seems so concerned with what is going on with Harry and I. 

Eventually I push that strange, but honest statement aside to give me time to breath and really take in what was going on right now. 

I take a deep breath, close my eyes and open to see Laylah looking up at me with eyes eager to know what is going on in my head, so I sit and everything i felt toward Harry came flying out because, there was no more pretending with honest feelings.

" Something is definitely there Laylah but, I don't want to be fooled again." I say short before we were cut off with a loud knock on the door and frantically making eye contact with Laylah, lnowing there would not be any time to have her go through the vent.  We both look at the bed knowing she had enough room down there to slide under until whoever was pounding on the door was gone. 

She slide straight under the bed and I took a deep breath, hearing multiple muffles outside my door and  the door knob twisting as it forcefully opens with a flushed Harry, followed by a forceful Zayn. 

" I'm sorry" Harry rushes out as I see Zayn rushing toward me..

"Lets go, this is too much bullshit for one day.." I hear Zayn say as he forcefully grabs my arm dragging me through the halls back to the room where he first humiliated me.

My mind isn't clear to what the f uck is going on right now but there was a slight rough rush of panic  I feel but try to catch a hold of my breathing before I start freaking out into complete panic attack mode..

"So little Harry told me a little secret about you and to what I saw on the security cameras that, apparently Harry forgot about, he needs to prove he doesn't have feelings about one of our little sluts in this business.." He says as he glares at Harry with a stern look

I feel myself break a sweat because I have no clue what to expect, but all I can to is prepare for the worst..

I watch Harry look at me frantically as he was given a brief case, as he slowly opens it he shuts his eyes at whatever is in the brief case, breathlessly sighing, 

"F uck" 



I knows it has been a cool minute but i a trying to get back on my writting game so sorry if this chapter is all over the place, but i hope you guys enjoy and give some feed back on what you think of the story line so far. 

Thank you again!

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