Chapter Three

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Hey guys...... yeah,, sorry about not updating for a while, I lost my drive, I swear it'll get better. This was what I could write, sorry it isn't that much.
Tohru's pov

I was crying at work today, I blamed it on the dust. My grandfather just died and that's why I was crying, but I can't use that as an excuse to slack off!
I was living with him before he died, taking care of him and his house, but now my cousin and her family are living there since they needed a bigger home. Now I live in a small, one bedroom apartment. I'll admit that it is easier to clean and even though I feel blessed to have a roof over my head, I feel cramped.
"Your shift is over now, Tohru," my co-worker's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as my cheeks turned pink after realizing I've over-stayed, again.
"I'm sorry, Eve!" I stammered, "I wasn't paying attention to the time!"
I saw her rolling her eyes, "It's fine, y'know, you don't have to be so formal and stuff around me.. we're friends, y'know?"

After work I had decided to go grocery shopping, since I needed a lot of food, so after I had said goodbye to Eve I went to the local grocery store.

Kyo's pov

"Carrots..." I muttered to myself, "I need carrots and fish.."

I was at the grocery store, shopping for, well, groceries. To be perfectly honest, I just wanted tuna but I thought that I should buy more things than just fifty cans of tuna to fill my cupboards for the next few months, so here I was, trying to find carrots and failing.

"Do you need help?" said a soft voice behind me, "sorry, but you looked kind of lost so I thought..." I turned around and saw a woman standing awkwardly in front of me with her gaze on the floor.

"Uhh, yeah, actually.." I felt my face becoming bright red, "I need to find the carrots but I don't usually go outside so I don't know my way around here," I stuttered the last words, immediately regretting what I had said. Well done! She thinks you're a loser! Why is she even helping me in the first place? She's probably one of those people who look out for losers like me just to laugh at their pathetic, sad lives. 

I suppose that she could be a nice person, but then why would she help me then? Does she feel sorry for me? Is my life such a joke that you can see it?

"Well if you want I could show you where the carrots are now?"

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