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My fingers grazed the clothes trying to decide on what the boys will be wearing for their next few shows. I like to plan in advance so I can just pass all the outfits to lou and be on my way.my life is full of matching shoes, outfits and of course accessories. I'm actually quite suprised that all these clothes don't leak their way into my dreams. If you haven't guessed already I'm louise teasdale's assistant in technically everything and general helper backstage, but mainly I just choose outfits because everyone knows I'm shy and choosing outfits means I don't tend to meet or talk to any new people apart from lou and she's just like a big sister to me.

I should introduce myself, my name is Hailey.17. I have been working for lou for about a year now, I started at the beginning of one directions last tour and I love it. I've always wanted to be involved in fashion and travel, so meeting lou in a rundown coffee shop it was a dream come true. My escape. But that's a story for another time.me, I have lilac hair cut long. It's my only stand out feature but lots of people stand out around her so it doesn't matter as much. I used to have a stutter but yet again another story, another time. I'm not incredibly interesting,and I don't try to be because being interesting usually means attention and that's not exactly what I'm most fond of.

"Hi hails"

The friendly voice of lou comes from behind me. I turn and smile.

"Hi lou, I was just trying to decide on a few new outfits" I say frowning to myself.

"Honestly Hailey you work yourself too hard"

"I love it" I say and I do. I appreciate everything she's done for me.i love working and traveling, plus it distracts me from my thoughts. You know what they say 'the quietest people have the loudest minds'

"He you heard of the introducing act?" Lou questions awakening me from my thoughts. I shake my head continuing browsing through clothes.

"Yeah, they're a new band. The boys found them on youtube, I'm excited to see what they've got. I heard that they're from somewhere hot, america, Australia or somewhere.do you know what that means?"
I give her a confused look and she continues
"Young boys, cute accents... need I say more"

"Oh no. no,you are not setting me up and especially with a famous boy who probably won't even like me."
She has been trying to get me to date and meet new people but I always mess up so I don't bother trying.

"You, little Hailey, need to burst from your shell and be the beautiful person I know you are."

"Look lou, I know you mean well but I always mess up around anyone apart from you and you know why" lou is the only one I have told everything to, why I am this way. "I have accepted my fate of solitude and I think you should do the same, nobody's going to want me so you should just leave it at that" I said walking away knowing the disappointed look on her face. I'll apologise later she should understand. I need to pack for tour anyway.

I arrived at my little flat tired and agitated from my day and conversation with lou.i try to pack but can't concentrate on what I need and what I've got, so I do something I only do alone. I walk over to my piano. I love my piano with all my heart, it is old and worn but plays perfectly and holds so many memories.


"GRAMMY, GRAMMY" I yell running towards my favourite person in the whole world. She opened her arms to me and I run into them, hugging tight. She hugs me, and I breathe in her soft lavender smell that I know and love so dearly.
"UP, UP. Play with me" she let's out a knowing laugh and lifts me onto the piano stool beside her, we open the lid and she begins to play. No music, she could play any song from listening to it once. I had inherited that talent and learnt to play by the age of 3 and I seemed to only get better. But no matter how hard I tried never could I perfect the effortless flow of which she played. We got lost in each song and we played together until my eyelids began to droop.
She lifts me up walking upstairs to the spare bedroom and tucks me in, kissing my forehead. She whispers those words that I never go to bed without hearing. The magic words I call them.

"Darling, wherever you go, whatever you do, do it with passion and confidence. Do what you love, and follow in what you believe because I believe in you and love you with all my heart. Forever and always"

I haven't hear the magic words in a long time, but even now I wipe away tears of sadness at the memory and clutch my only accessory. It is a silent locked with a single sprig if lavender engraved on the front and 3 words engraved into the back.

Forever and always

And with that thought I sit on my stool and begin to play every song I know and sing each lyric the best i can until the sun melts away and my eyelids droop falling asleep to happy memories. a river of music floating through my dreams.

Hi, so that was my first chapter I hope you liked it. I'd love any comments etc

Love you for reading

Sorry if updates are slow

Another year, another tour (5sos and 1d fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now